
Did anyone know this about B Hussein Obama?

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Obama's career was launched in the home of Mr. Ayers, a man responsible for bombings at the U.S. Capitol building and the Pentagon. Terrorist affiliations are not what I like to see.




  1. yes, I think everyone knows,I can not figure out how anyone can vote for him.

  2. Everyone knows it...and still Obama is kicking McShame's butt...You guys picked the weakest candidate available!

  3. hahha and you got this worthless piece of garbage from where?? hahah   hey try turning the channel and watch something beside  Limbaugh and fox news

  4. Yes I knew that but it doesn't get coverage on CNN & MSNBC for some odd reason....


  5. Obama is not a terrorist, just because his middle name is hussein that does not mean he is a terrorist. What if your middle name was Hussein? And people called you a terrorist what would you do?

  6. You are about to be blasted as a liar and a racist and God only knows what else.  But you are 100% correct, and they know you are correct and they have no defense for it.  Yet, now Obama says he scarcely knows Ayers and "doesn't recall" ever visiting in his home, although several people saw him there on more than one occasion and have so stated.

  7. Did you know about George Hussien Obama, B's bother who lives off of less than one dollar a month. In his big speech, Obama had a line about helping your brother - that should make for a good ad.

  8. Yes, and where are Obama's old friends he is NOT ashamed of? Where are the good, decent people who knew Obama 20 years ago who can vouch for him? Anybody? Anywhere?

  9. Did you know that if Obama pickes someone for secretary of state with a last name similar to Laden or Laddin, Ladin, his and his running mates, You can put together the names Obama bidden Ladden, and it sounds like Osama Bin Laden.  LOL  I just figures I could add some coal to the fire.. Sorry.

  10. Did you know McCain has ties to Corporate American Terrorism?

  11. Yes I did, but Barack Hussein Obama's background and friends are very questionable.  He is being shielded from tough questions because he has the media in the bag so they soft peddle questions and fawn over him like he is the second coming of Christ...the Messiah.  Ayers is a man who wanted to bring down our intrastructure and government and he has him as a friend?  On boards with him, and has a friendship with Ayers?  This is not acceptable...but of course, the media will give him a pass.  He will not be questioned about it even at the debates, so don't look for it.  The candidates know the questions in he will practice..but I still think McCain straight talk will drown the stuttering, stammering idiot and wipe the floor with him.  But, the media will make excuses for him and laud his appearances and maybe say he won..They want him to be President..Why?  I don't know, but they are playing with the future of our government because Barack Hussein Obama could bring down this government.  It really scares me and people are unaware of his Chicago political cronies, how he got to be Senator, his radical friends, and his time in NY when he went to Columbia University...there is nothing on it in his biography.  Why?  I think it is because he was heavily into drugs and lived on the street and lived off friends..That is why he had no physical address.   Did you know some records on Obama are closed?  Why is this?  Because some of his biography is suspect and inflammatory...and people knew they would not vote for this clown.  Did you see that convention?  I wanted to say:  "The Messiah is coming, The Messiah is coming"  Wow, all he lacked was the white robe of the Messiah...when he made his speech.  This guy is an empty suit

  12. He and Biden Also Recieved lots of Money from Pro Iranian groups

  13. Yes, that is why the Democratic party is such a bag of traitors to this country.

  14. Yes, I knew that. Obama has some really frightening friends.  

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