
Did anyone listen to the Radio 4 Afternoon play...Dear Writer on 28th April ?

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I just thought it was one of the best things I have heard in ages. I wondered if anyone else thought the same ? Anna Massey was just sublime....I feel all choked just thinking about it !





  1. No I didn't, but now you've got me interested! I might go on the website and 'listen again' now that you've recommended it. I would be lost without Radio 4. It's a British institution!

    Edit:  Bugger! You're right, it's gone! I'll have to pay more attention to my Radio Times in future....

  2. No, I would rather have a red hot e***a than listen to another R4 play. They are nothing more than middle class Aga sagas with no resemblance to consensus reality at all, just silly asses with more money than sense.

    I know this is heresy to say this about R4, but I find it is just a middle class ghetto these days. The World Service any day of the week! A lot more intelligent, informed and powerful with none of the parochialism attached to R4.

    I do miss Humph though, but that is all I will miss.

  3. glad you liked it can not say i heard it but sounds intresting

    regards x kitti x

  4. Oh thanks for reminding me about afternoon theatre. I missed it but will try and remember to listen in future and yes Annie Massey is sublime.

    I used to listen to Wednesday afternoon playhouse many years ago the then Judy Dench and Dorothy Tutin were always in those plays.

    Ah what actresses we have here in the UK

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