
Did anyone notice yahoo news today with china's He ?

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to all the people that said that she is 16 what's up now? And to all the people that said it was sour grapes what are you feeling? If its true what do you think will happen?




  1. did anyone notice?  Enough that this question has been asked and answered by many over a dozen times at least.  What do we feel?  Do a Question search and you will know how we feel.

  2. If China is guilty, punish them, it is a good thing to teach Chinese a lesson.

    If China is not guilty, US Media owes Chinese a big apology but I am 100% sure American will never say sorry, remember "Mass destructive weapon"? All they will do is change the subject and pick on something else.  

  3. I've thought she was 13 or 14 the whole time, and I believe that they will find that it is true. However, since China is hosting the Olympics, they've already handed out the medals in gymnastics, and a lot of people oppose the 16 rule anyhow, I don't really think that they'll do anything about it. Basically, I believe that the IOC will find out it's true, but I also think that they will sweep it under the rug. I believe this especially because it would greatly benefit the U.S. gymnasts, and anti-American sentiment in the world grows a little more each day. I hardly think that anti-American sentiment would be the main cause of them sweeping it under the rug, but I do believe that it might be the straw that breaks the camel's back, so to speak.

  4. If it is true.. I think that there should be some disciplinary action taken against the Chinese olympic board. He should be able to keep her medals though.. imagine how crushing that would be for her? And how hard she had to work to get them? I think what would be fair is to bump up whoever came in second and third to get gold (as well) and third get silver.  

  5. if you mean He Kexin from the Chinese Olympics Gymnastics Team, she was competing illegally. you have to be 16 to be in the olympics, but she was 14. meaning Nastia Liukin gets the gold. yea!

    they'll probably wait until after the olympics to strip her medals, cuz while they're vacationing, they dont wanna get treated like c**p :-P

  6. I don't know what will happen but that is so stupid for China's gov. to cover it up.  This poor girl is going to be ruined and she is incredibly talented!!  Not to mention that the world is going to always think of China as a bunch of cheating jerks...which will in turn make people think that way of all Chinese people.  I for one am very disappointed in them (the Chinese gov.) for doing this.  It taints the entire Olympics.

  7. I am in utter shock that someone here would say if she was not of age, she should get to keep her medal. What a poor message that sends to kids everywhere, cheating doesn't' pay and if you cheat, and get caught, you should not get to keep the medal or prestige that comes with a medal.

    Rewarding cheaters is never a good thing, if anything, it's unfair to all their great underage gymants all over th world that didn't compete because of their age.

  8. I didn't know that He Kexin was the one in question.. I thought it was another girl. This one was really young looking.. I THINK it was Deng Linlin

  9. There were questions about the girl's ages since people kept saying "She doesn't look 16."  Now the IOC is forcing an investigation on the girls true age since it's been told that the Chinese government changed her birth date on her birth certificate.  I don't know what to believe anymore.  

  10. i thought she was under 16 the entire time, she just looks to young to have actually been 16. i have that feeling they will take away her medal and then might look further into others ages.

  11. They haven't proved it yet so the haters that still think they were of age just because they hate the U.S. will call you on that one.

  12. The "evidence" was from a hacker.  Do you trust a hacker?  Even hackers can falsify "evidence".  What does a hacker do?  Illegally hacked into the programs of others.  Someone who commits hacking is not to be trusted.  Assuming a hacker hacked into your bank account and transfer all your funds into his bank, do you still say the hacker is right?

    Now that the issue has been put to rest, and IOC had confirmed that He Kexin's age is within the rules, will those who had pointed accusing fingers at her apologise to her?

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