
Did anyone pick up on what LISA said about here ring to Devina? (BB8)?

by Guest67109  |  earlier

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In Lisa's interveiw, Davina was looking at her engagement ring and said 'dose it fit'? Lisa said 'yes it dose now we had it altered to fit' (not those exact words, but along those lines.

So waht do you think about that? It looks like Lisa and Mario planned the whole wedding before they went in. She talked alot about how much she wanted to get married, its just all too good to be true?

Maybe they were already engaged before the show and the ring was already on Lisa's finger?

Whats YOUR oppinion on this.

Star me if you thinks this was interesting.




  1. It was planned.  


    i thought it was that...... uhmmm whats her name... Argghh.... the one that darnell loved but now hates.. well u get me!!

    i cant believe that !!

    she was the best person there ! arrghhhhhh!!!

    thatss really annoyed me ..

    and no. i didnt watch the eviction . and i think that they couldnt be engaged cuz i dont think that lisa would have reacted like that if she knew it was gonna happen.

    but how sweet were the proposal tho!?!!?  

  3. the ring didnt fit her when she was given it IN the house. BB had it altered a couple days ago.

  4. It was all Planned,

  5. yeah i think it was planned too, it was too organised.

    thats why i think they went on bb cos now some magazine will do the wedding pics, prob not the likes of ok or hello but maybe now or take a break something like that will show the pics

  6. They were gonna get engaged when they

    entered BB9 but the fake wedding to Steph

    spoilt it.He was then booted out,so BB

    told him to do it later in the show,he then

    bought another over sized ring,just to make

    it seem as though it was a spontaneous thing

    he was doing by getting engaged but it

    was a sham.

    They are desperate to get in show business

  7. i dont think they would of resized it when she was in there, cos when she'd only just got it it fitted fine, i recon it was chosen etc b4 she went in  

  8. apparently mario had to be convinced to go bak in to propose bcus he didnt want to it on tv. the ring had to be resized it was too big

  9. all very suspect lol

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