
Did anyone read THE CRUCIBLE by Arthur Miller?

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If you did, please help. I read the stupid thing and it's so confusing I hate it. Can you help me with these questions? You dont have to go into extreme detail and elaborate ill do that. Thank you so much!

1. Overall, what kind of feeling did you have at the biginning of this book? Midway? At he end? (idk, i truthfully want to say it all around sucked but i cant. how about you?)

2. Would you change the ending in any way? If so how...explain? (i'm having some serious writers block...)

3. Were there any parts that confused you? How? And which parts? (again, THE WHOLE THING but i cant say that)

THANK YOU SO MUCH! I will award best answer to whoever helps!




  1. Personally, I loved the play.  I actually even used it as a subject of a speech and then a long term paper in college.  But, here's the thing... If I answer your questions it would be even more difficult for you to expound in your own words because they are not your ideas.  So, read this site first to get a true idea about how YOU feel about the play.  And don't worry- I felt the same way about "As I Lay dying" by Faulkner--I still remember reading it over and over and having clue what was going on and that was almost 10 years ago!

    Check out this site.  I really think it will help.

  2. Here's the thing, as an English teacher who teaches this to my 11th graders, I am sitting here wondering how it is that you did not like it. Did you read it carefully or try and skim it? It is a play, and, therefore, you must be able to distinguish between the characters. Chapter 1 gives you the entire set-up--history behind what happened, along with each of the main characters and the details/background about them. You must truly read it careful--i suggest take some notes--to gain an understanding about what is going on.

    And, in terms of what you don't understand, please try and be specific about that.

    If you are REALLY confused, though I had to say this, try looking up CLIFFS notes to give you an idea of what is going on.

  3. 1.  I can't tell you what you felt about the play

    2.  Again, I can't tell you how you would change the ending

    3.  If there was a plot point that confused you (and it sounds like there was) write that down

    You don't have to like it to understand it.  If you are having trouble following the plot, then read the guide.  And don't insult people who answer your questions- it is just bad form.  If you ask a question, you should be prepared for all kinds of answers (including those that don't do your work for you)

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