
Did anyone record the Stern show yesterday? I really want to hear it?

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Thank you Max, BTW I have a Sirius a nice one as a matter of fact. I don't get up early enough to hear the live show so I usually listen to the replays, but the show didn't replay at all yesterday so I missed it.




  1. No video, audio only. I have the links, but don't want to get sideways with YA! They are uncensored and not for young ears. They're on YouTube. Just search them out: There's Parts 1, 2 and 3.

    -a guy named duh

  2. You need a Sirius player.


  3. There wasn't a full Thursday show - Artie masacered Teddy and the show cut short.  They did not replay it and went on to replay a show from earlier in the week.  

    But I heard it and it was an awesome/tense show!!

  4. If you are interested in hearing only the fight with Artie and Teddy, you can listen to it at

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