
Did anyone saw the women gymnastic individual final?

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does it look fishy to you that chinese girls made so many mistakes that they shouldn't be making? compare to what they did 2 days ago which was flawless and today i saw their performance i was like WTF ? how did you mess that up?

I feel like they were holding back to let Americans win.

anyone feel the same way?




  1. From the past results: China was never even in contention for a medal in 2007 at Germany for Individual All-Around. China was second in Team's All-Around but was 6th in Individual All-Around.

    From my point of view; bronze in Individual All-Around is pretty d**n good progress.

  2. Ummm, I really think this is a ridiculus question. Why in the world would China let the Americans win? AT THE OLYMPICS? They wouldn't. The girls competing are young, just teens, and being at the biggest sportin event in the world, they may have just been nervous.

  3. No, I don't think anyone was holding back; I think they're just young inexperienced girls and the pressure got to them.  And once there's a slight bobble, I think that shakes their confidence enough.  One of the girls had only competed in one other competition.  So I think that the lack of competing in general affects how they handle all of the pressure of the olympics and it's been a rigourous week for them.  They're probably just not used to all of that back to back competition.  

    I also thought that the Americans were scored way low on a couple of the things - Nastia on the vault and uneven bars, Shawn Johnson on just about everything.  So the fact that the Americans won gold and silver is even more impressive.

  4. No, they were not making mistakes to let Americans win. They were very nervous due to their very young age, below the age requirement for gymnastics. Their bodies, being so young, are not fully developed either which can have a bearing on performance. The only thing fishy was that the Chinese girls got higher scores even when they did much worse in many ways. Shawn and Natsia did terrific routines,more difficult than most of the Chinese girls and did not make nearly the mistakes. But, lo and behold, our USA gals did not receive the same type of scores in proportion. Thank goodness that the two American girls did prevail as gold and silver winners in the end.They earned it! When the Olympic Protest Committee looks into the real ages of those Chinese kiddos, they should rule that they lose their gold.

  5. i thought that Nastia and Shawn were freakin awesome, i was about to start crying for them:-)

    i also think that the scoring was ridiculous, Shawn and Nastia both deserved higher scored for the uneven bars.

    did you hear about the underage thing??

  6. Listen to the announcers they all said that the chinese scores were way too high when they made visible mistakes. And SHawn got robbed of some points and took deductions for nothing. Nastia should have scored higher in vault, she was perfect. Borderline bias or conspiracy.

    I am sooo happy their talent showed through and went 1-2 USA!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. No, Natsia and Shawn won because they were outstanding.

  8. Well the Chinese girl was really good but she made a lot of simple mistakes that messed her up, she went too fast and didn't prepare herself on the big tricks. Shawn Johnson's performance in the final I felt was better than Nastia Liukin's but she didn't do well enough in other events to get the Gold which she seems to be the best one out there so wait until next year. She'll be the next one to win Gold for us!

  9. I think it's called nerves

  10. No they all won because they deserved too. Though there were a lot of mistakes.  

  11. i'm watching it now. it's 11:25pm here in san diego,ca. that chinesse girl just finnshed her event. she fell down after she landed. i also saw shawn johnson and she's awesome. after the chinesse girl finished the judges were trying to figer out the score. well it's now time for team phelps to do his thing

  12. No WAY would the Chinese "women" (?) have held back to let the Americans win.

    I think the Chinese simply compete better in a "team" situation than they do on their own.  When they have to fend for themselves, they're not as steady.

    Nastia Liukin and Shawn Johnson both did very, very well in the team final, but the final team score wasn't high enough to win Gold because of other factors.

    The Chinese were not flawless 2 days ago, but they WERE better than the Americans.  They also had 6 healthy gymnasts to use to the team's best advantage.

    The Americans had just 3 gymnasts who were qualified to compete in all 4 rotations, 1 who was only fairly good on one apparatus, and 2 who were hurt.  The difference was depth.  The US team simply didn't have as much depth, and couldn't place the best 3 of 6 on each apparatus.

    Tonight's results showed the true talent of Shawn Johnson and Nastia Liukin, and proved that they are the best "all-around" gymnasts in the truest sense of the word.

  13. I thought Johnson was robbed of the gold but at least they went 1-2/

  14. Everyone has their bad days.

    Shawn and Nastia had an EXCELLENT day. That's why they won.

  15. I thought the lowered scoring for Johnson and high scoring for Yilin were fishy.

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