
Did anyone see McCain's ad today where he congratulates Obama?

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for a job well done. He commented on the historic significance of the anniversary of the famous MLK speech, and said that even though they would be back at it tomorrow, he wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate Obama for making that dream a reality. Very classy, don't you think?




  1. yes. I bet McCain really had to fight himself to get the words out.

  2. Yes. Very.

  3. yes, so proud to be a McCain supporter

  4. Didn't see it. If anyone has a link I'd appreciate it. A bit hypocritical coming from someone who voted against a Martin Luther King Holiday but still a sign there might still be some of the maverick left in candidate McCain who's clearly campaigning for a third Bush term

  5. I agree. Very classy.


  6. Yes, it certainly shows his is a better man than Obama will ever be. At least he gives credit where credit is due,  no matter who it is. It takes a really special man to congratulate ones opponent. I bet Obama's handlers are trying desperately to come up with something to counter this very gracious compliment.  

  7. Yeah, and I'd love to be a fly on the wall of Obama's speechwriters' room.  They've got to be going frantic trying to tone down Obama's speech so he doesn't look petty.

    Edit... link to video below

  8. Yes, I just saw it a few moments ago.  It was done very tastefully.

  9. I'll admit it's a great tactic and a very classy move. I do feel that McCain HIMSELF is genuine about his message.

    However, let's be honest here, surely we could also see it as a *clever* political ploy? A good gesture, and a welcome one, but nonetheless a sneaky tactic to cover up the McCain's campaign negative ads over the summer.

  10. Yes, definitely classy. Finally, some maturity and civility in this the most disrespectful, juvenile, spin-driven, Rove-driven, who's-got-the-best-message-manipulators campaign in history.

  11. If Barry Hussein could only be as gracious.

  12. It was well done and classy, I agree. Nice to see a little civil behavior before they get down and dirty.  

  13. ehh its nice and classy to congratulate but also with how dirty he's been he could have a political agenda behind it and alot of people I believe will think he does. Mccain is unpopular in this election. He can't get together enough people in Dayton tommorow but Barack sells out 70,000+ seats. If i had a reputation for playing dirty politics like he has I'd want to lighten it up by congratulating. Just saying. If the congrats was genuine however I like that

  14. d**n, McCain's first lie.

    Just kidding, I didn't catch it but it sounds like something McCain would have done.  Funny though, I've never heard or heard of Obama saying anything like that.

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