
Did anyone see Oprah today? with Dr. Oz?...what did he say was good for cellulite???

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Did anyone see Oprah today? with Dr. Oz?...what did he say was good for cellulite???




  1. First, it's genetic and caused by numerous fat cells

    He said it's not a big deal for them to be with a woman that has it and no cream will help

  2. He said there really isn't a cure. The creams, even the good ones, work only temporarily.

    But I read somewhere the losing weight does help a bit.

    And he said it's okay to have cellulite, cause the men don't really care about it anyways!

  3. I didn't watch the show today, but you can always go to and find out about episodes as I did for today's - here's a link for you:

    Basically, he said the amount of cellulite you have can be attributed to genetics, and none of the products that are sold to battle cellulite work.  Some of them may give the appearance of reduced cellulite, but they do not eliminate it.

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