
Did anyone see Swans Barry Hall strike Collingwood's Shane Wakelin during Saturdays match?

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If they did then they have better eyesight than I have! I watched the replay a number of times & Wakelin took a dive.

What some players will stoop to in order to get someone rubbed out. Wakelin & his brother are/were serial divers. Shane Wakelin should be ashamed of himself & I hope that the next time he plays agains Hall he does cop a serious one in the mouth - one that he will have no say in whether or not he hits the turf!




  1. watch it again

    it's a glancing blow to the face

    you don't have to knock your opponent out to be reported and suspended

    he was lucky not to get sued by Staker


  2. If Hall was a soccer player he would have been suspended for life after the incident with Brent Staker. Until the AFL takes serious measures to eradicate that culture of violence from the sport by imposing severe penalties for unsporting behaviour this things will still happen. I see for your comment regarding Wakelin coping one in the mouth next time he plays against Hall...that just come to show the mentality prevalent in the AFL

  3. **After what Hall did earlier in the year one would think he'd learn his lesson - obviously not!

    I don't have any problems with Barry Hall and think everyone has been very harsh on him this year ... he's now been dropped by the Swans indefinitely.

    Wakelin dived to try and get a free kick and that annoys me!  Hall did the wrong thing but everyone is making too big a deal of it.

    On Saturday night the commentators said several times 'Nothing will come of this' and yet the media have continously replayed it to the point where something has been made of it.

    I'm looking forward to seeing Barry Hall back on the field soon.  

    Just for the record, I don't barrack or care for either team.**

  4. The swing was very similar to the whack on Staker. Not only that but it was Wakelins dive that prevented him from being seriously whacked! You are seriously blind if you did not see that Halls hand connected with Wakelins nose!

    Obviously the Match Committee agrees!

  5. he would have been reported anyway for trying to strike somebody. he is an idiot for trying in the first place

  6. Barry Hall was on report for attempting to strike.

  7. I think he was done for 'attempted striking' I'm not sure though haven't read anything about it yet. It was probably under reckless and dangerous. Surely if called upon Wakelin would've said something to help get him off.

  8. Waklin is soft but hall is just plain stupid!

  9. Wakelin had said that he didnt know what happened and he didnt even know he had a punch thrown at him, he took the dive to try and get a free kick but that didnt happen but also the intension was there and he still would have go into trouble well he did but he desreved everythin

  10. well, get thee to an optometrist Stone Age, Wakelin was definitely biffed. He is not a sook.

    What people are so angry about is that three weeks after the longest suspension this year, Hall did exactly the same thing, except that Wakelin is an old hand and he ducks better than Staker.

    PS I am neither a swan nor a pie fan and not biased. Swans are better off, and better, without Hall.

  11. My god Wakelin took a dive I know Hall was an idiot but seriously he is now being suspended for maybe hitting Wakelin. Yeah the club should give his time to think about things but suspension for maybe hitting someone is stupid.

    I am over the AFL and the treatment of Hall seriously he was bad in the past but until the hit this year he had a good record at the Swans

  12. Yes, Wakelin took a dive, but everyone is angry at Hall because it's the principle of the matter. Hall shouldn't have even attempted to hit anyone, considering the trouble he's been in recently. Hall says he suffers from brain fades, I think his brain is faded all the time for him to even try to strike someone else.

  13. NO!!! you better provide a link fool before I strike you

  14. the question should be why do AFL players take dives, what a bloody pack of pussys none of them would last 3 minutes in rugby, pack of fairies

  15. I am not a Swans supporter and I wood never be a Colling supporter, but in the old days they didn't play actors. I know player get paid well enough that they should curb their frustrations, but it was obvious that Barry Hall was frustrated not only at the way the way the team was playing, especially as he continually tried to get them to kick it long, but the treatment the umpires were handing out, I wish I could win the lottery for almost getting the numbers right, pretty tough when they rub you out for a NEAR MISS!! In Soccer, the only football game you can score a goal, USING YOUR HEAD, they give out yellow cards for faking injury, yellow also means coward.

  16. Gee you really do think like a Stoneage man don't you. Try reading the papers and you will find out it was "attempted striking" and Wakelin happily admits he took a dive to score a free. That happens all the time.

    Perhaps Wakelin is just saying he took a dive to save Hall from certain long suspension...anyone think of that? Sounds like Wakelin is in the process of doing Hall a huge favour, which he certainly does not deserve.

  17. no i did not

  18. are you mad if wakelin didn't take the dive hall would of connected even their coach Paul Roos says that he is not up to AFL standards at the moment Barry Hall is a good player but at the moment there is something going on in his head that he needs to get right also when you are playing bad and struggling for form it make you frustrated and these sort of things happen.

  19. I agree with you. I saw the incident & I'm sure no contact was made. Seriously though - AFL is really getting worse than soccer with it's players continually diving.

    Barry Hall is such an idiot. I agree he hardly has a single working brain cell in his head. Regardless of what Hall did I also agree that Wakelin has brought the game into as much disrepute as Hall has, in this incidemnt.

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