
Did anyone see the Clean House special last night? The couple stated they want to adopt a baby. Would a couple

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who were slovenly and hoarders like that be able to pass a Home Study and adopt? That house was so bad, I surprised it hadn't already been condemed. He is temp (possible permanently) disabled. I don't see him able to pick up a child of any size. He had a hard time cleaning and kept having to lie down. She is VERY emotional. She was crying before they even got into the door. Neither of them have a job. I'm pretty sure they are living off of his disability checks. Could they adopt or foster to adopt?




  1. I wondered that myself. I HOPE not -- FOSTER kids have been taken out of better conditions than what those people were living in.

    I seriously doubt they would be able to adopt -- they probably would not even be able to FOSTER.

  2. Yes, I saw that massive hog sty.  I can't believe anyone in their right mind would even begin to live in that filth.  I hope beyond hope that they never get a child through the foster or adoption services.  One thing that is going for us (and I know this to be a fact based on my own experiences with MS), a disabled person is not eligible for adoption or fostering.  I believe the woman said she had medical problems, too. so that may be the saving grace.  I can just see poopie diapers thrown in the corner of the closet for months and years at a time.  EWWW!  They were mega nasty.

  3. Didn't see that episode.  But yikes!  By your description, this raised the bar for what could qualify as a mess.

    I can't see this family passing a homestudy.  I admit, stranger things have happened, but any reliable social worker would not place a child into that situation.

  4. The home study health and safety check is very thorough, it includes gardens, huts, cellars, car etc also.

    However physical disability does not necessarily rule out adopting or fostering, I know of several people with MS who have, and a foster parent whose placements continued whilst receiving chemotherapy. Having a good support network is what matters.

  5. Changes in their present situation would have to change.  

    A lot of people say they'd like to adopt a baby.  Very few who say they want to actually do go through the processes to.

  6. I don't know, I mean that's a good reason why children are REMOVED from a home and placed in to care.

  7. No way that home would of passed inspection.  Those are the type of homes children are removed from.

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