
Did anyone see the Obama press conference this morning?

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When he was asked how Obama can chastise McCain for negative ads when his own campaign continues to say that McCain is just a Bush clone, Obama didn't answer, he just went on to say McCain compared him to Britney Spears and Paris Hilton.

Why does that bother him so much? The Ad had substance (if you watch it, it talks about drilling and taxes)

Of all the things - why is he upset over being compared to the celebrity status of those two women?




  1. Obama is just an empty shell. He's black, and that's his only "qualification".  

  2. obama just likes to talk, he has his own speeches on his i-pod

  3. Because that's his entire agenda,to get himself out there and in the news in a positive way he should be concerned about America not about how he looks in the news this only reinforces his non campaine.

  4. Ive seen the commercial i just dont get it on how you can compare spears and hilton with hussein ( or should i say insane).

  5. paris is a babe

    if obama or whatever he's called was as hot as her i'd vote for him

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