
Did anyone see the meteor shower last night? ( well early morning)?

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Hey, me and my mates were camping out in a friends garden last night ( 12 of us) and a few of us were outside, and we could see loads of shooting stars flying across the night sky. We thought it must of been a meteor shower. One of my mates said they mentioned on the news the other day, but no one else had heard anything.

One meteor was really close, and you could clearly see the different colours of the tail. It then broke into small pieces and you could see the pieces flying off.

Another one exploaded in the sky lol.

So did anyone else see this? ( it was about 2-3 in the morning)

We all thought were really lucky to see it, and it was an amazing sight.




  1. Lucky you! It was cloudy here. And anyway, I had to get some sleep to go to work the next day.

    Yes, there was a meteor shower.

  2. No I didn't, and I'm so annoyed.

    It was lovely and clear all evening. And when I went to bed about midnight, I looked out and it was still as clear as anything.

    Set the alarm for quarter past two, got up, went into the back garden was cloudy! Completely, totally overcast!!

    Every single year, without fail, I miss the Perseids in August (and the Leonids in November too.)

    Sounds like it was a sight to remember. Glad you got to see it.

  3. You lucky b*&&**s! The Perseid shower was expected, and I wanted to see it, but it was overcast where I live.

  4. Yes my friend and I thought we would watch the stars and it was quite surprising to see a lot of shooting stars. I have looked it up for you :)

    The Perseid meteor shower has been observed for about 2000 years, with the first known information on these meteors coming from the Far East. In early medieval Europe, the Perseids came to be known as the "tears of St. Lawrence."

    The shower is visible from mid-July each year, with the greatest activity between August 8 and 14, peaking about August 12.

    I believe it was August 12th yesterday :)

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