
Did anyone see the movie, "August Rush"?

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If so, what did you think about it? Also, did any social workers or formal social workers see it?

Love to get everyone's take on the movie...





  1. I didn't see it but, I heard it's great!!!!!!! My parents saw it though

  2. i did i loved it

  3. honestly, i couldn't see it, bc i could tell it was just another dorky happy ending, which usually isn't the case.

  4. I saw it and absolutely loved it!!!!!!

  5. I just watched it the other night & I loved it. It was a really great movie.

  6. I watched it recently.  One thing that struck me was the social worker's role in the film (played by dreamy Terrence Howard).  How many social workers fail to see the potential in the kids they meet?  It doesn't have to be as grand a August's. And how many kids potential ends up dying because it isn't nurtured?

    Not a movie for PAP's. Probably don't want to see that babies are conceived in love, or wanted.  That some are stolen from their mommies. That there is a connection between child & parent. That there can be a longing in a child's heart to meet his parents.  

    Hurray for flights of fancy and happy endings!  There's enough crappy sadness in life!

    I loved it!  'Course, there's also the hottie, Jonathan Rhys Meyers.  And Freddie Highmore is a brilliant child actor. Can't wait to see more of him in the future. What's not to love!

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