
Did anyone see the positive ad by McCain on TV?

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I saw it, I honestly thought it was ingenious on his part.

What about you?




  1. Politics is around the corner.

  2. Must have missed it in the deluge of negativity.

    Are you sure you weren't hallucinating?

  3. ya it was sorta classy

  4. I thought it was really nice. I don't know how genius it was as I don't know if it will have much effect, but it bumped him up a little for me. But then, I'm still undecided so something like that has an impact for me. I like to see more making nice and less mud slinging.  

  5. BAH!

    I did.

    Propaganda, public relations, lies.

    He doesn't give a c**p about Obama's accomplishments.

  6. I saw it, spiritually speaking.  I'd be surprised if Obama doesn't do the same thing during the RNC.

  7. Positive and McCain is an oxymoron.  

  8. Yes, I did.  I hope that both candidates can continue in this manner.

  9. It was OK, but since I've seen his other ads I know he's not sincere.

  10. I can't believe anyone would be taken in by it!  The thing that amazes me is the level of ridicule to which the Republicans have descended this election! Totally devoid of any real ideas on how to fix the mess they've created over the last 8 years, they put on togas, dance around, giggle, call Obama God, and compare him to Britney Spears, Moses and Zeus. They are acting like school children. Are we really supposed to trust this bunch to lead our country for another 4 years??

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