
Did anyone send their stimulus check back to the Government?

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Did anyone send their stimulus check back to the Government?




  1. Why would I do that?  That's just crazy talk!!

  2. Yes to state government through sales tax from items I purchased. and federal from the gas that I purchased. So technically I Did.

  3. h**l no

  4. Yes

  5. Dave....You didn't pay for my stimulus check. That is MY money. WE pay our taxes and are a middle class family.

    h**l no I didn't send mine back. Anyone that did send theirs back because they thought of it as a "handout" is a fool.

  6. I didn't get one.  But I paid for a bunch of you guys', so if you want to send them back, that would be alright with me and the 10% of the country that PAYS taxes.

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