
Did anyone think hancock was scary?

by Guest56629  |  earlier

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I took my son who was 10 and he got scared to death to much blood he said




  1. Well it wasn't that scary but I wouldn't bring a kid under 12..... Does that answer your question?

  2. Certain children find different things scary. A child that laughs in the sight of blood, might get hysterical over a bug because they just hate bugs. Your son might just have a severe dislike for blood. There is no telling what scares a child until they are exposed to it.

    Here is a suggestion:

    Try having your son watch a movie with an equal amount of action and violence, but almost no blood, and see how it affects him.

  3. You really shouldn't have taken your child - the movie was rated pg-13 and that was only after many tussels for it not to be 'R'.

    I don't know why you think violence and blood wouldn't be frightening for a child.  And btw, when he was terrified did you leave or tell him to be quiet so you could finish watching your movie?>

  4. Why would you let a 10 yr old watch hancock?!

    Rating is M

    It contains violence and offensive language..

    I dont blame that poor kid..

  5. I agree with Dan D, some things are just scary to some children, his suggestion of having your child watch a similar action movie with no blood is a great idea! My son loves action but also does not like the sight of blood.

    PS - Don't let these other people tell you how to raise your child and what things he should watch, PG-13 ONLY means that any child under 13 should/must be accompanied by an adult.


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