
Did anyone understand how "The System" (horseracing) worked on Derren Browns tv show last night? Im stumped!

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Did anyone understand how "The System" (horseracing) worked on Derren Browns tv show last night? Im stumped!




  1. It was a simple Pyramid.

    They started with about 7,700 people and divided them into groups of 6.  They then took a 6 runner race and gave each group a different tip.  Only one group could have the winner so all the other groups were eliminated.  The remaining people were again divided into 6 groups and each group given the winner in a 6 runner race.  Again only one group could have the winner.  They kept doing this till they were left with 6 people and each person was given a different tip for the race.  Only one person could have the winner.

    In the final race, when they revelaed the system, they obviously backed every horse in the race and switched tickets after the race had been run.

    It is an age-old con that has been used to trick punters for hundreds of years!  It is all down to mathematics - the law of averages dictates that if you start with enough people, SOMEONE will have a winning streak.

    The point is that there is NO system for picking a winner everytime.  There are too many variables - the horse, the jockey, the weather, the state of the ground, etc.

  2. start with thousands of pple and everyone gets a horse in 6 runner race. the winners then get a horse in next race and so on. eventually there will be six pple left and they each get 1 horse in 6 runner race and there has to be a winner. the last person u saw betting£ 4000 won because dermot obviously did one of his tricks to get her the winner. he would have bet £4000 on each horse and when the one horse won he could easily switch to the winning ticket. hope this helps.

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