
Did anyone watch 'kill it, skin it, wear it' last night

by  |  earlier

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I am not naive enough to think that these animals go through such suffering to achieve a 'glam fur coat' and i'm not easily upset by many things, but I was genuinely horrified at some footage shown. Particularly the fox which was skinned alive and motionless with shock. What on earth is going on with Fashion?! These trends need to be monitored much closer.....




  1. It absolutely horrifies me--I never wear something that was worn by an animal first and that includes my makeup, I don't support  animal testing either.

    What shocked me more is this video that I saw from a question on here, I couldn't stomach five seconds of it.

    edit--Is it?

    Makes you rethink things doesn't it. Same as eating chicken from KFC  from the peta website with Pam Anderson on it. Unfortunately I like my meat.

  2. You seem to have 2 responders who wear nothing made of wool or leather.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    Everyone is upset by the animal cruelty that was depicted in that programme, but no-one stated the obvious fact that fur farming has been made illegal in this country, where such activity could be adequately supervised and policed in terms of animal welfare.

    What was stated, and is true, is that there are much more stressful and cruel methods of raising and killing the meat we eat that are in regular use, compared to the mink farm that was visited. I am not about to stop eating meat.

    It is possible to raise animals for their fur in ways that are not horrifically cruel. The man from whichever organisation it was that showed those nasty images stated that the reporter had been shown "propaganda" - well his point of view was exactly the same - propaganda.

    If I wanted a fur coat (and I don't) I would buy one.


    Thankyou Freckles, but you've clearly not read my answer. Had you, you would have noticed that I acknowledge that there are horrific practices in the fur trade. My main point is that it is quite possible to have a properly regulated and humane trade. The man I refer to was quite right in drawing attention to barbaric practices, but he wouldn't acknowledge any alternative (such as properly regulated fur farming) at that point his view became propaganda. (As in "Information, especially of a biased nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view").

  3. I didn't watch this but I know all about what happens and it's very sad indeed...  I won't wear anything that's from an animal as I'm dead against it.  I've watched the McCartney's when they went to China and shot some footage of cats and dogs being skinned alive. It's awful!  I didn't sleep that well that night because I kept on thinking about those poor animals. Also, what about the seals that are bludenged to death in Alaska and Canada?  Sad huh!

  4. i havent been able to get that image of a fox out of my head it was disgusting. i do not agree with fur faming or trapping at all. Why do we need to endanger and torture both wild and domestic animals for fur.

    We already have cotton, polyester, wool and leather we don't need anymore.

    there is no reason to cull any animal mother nature will take care of itself without our interferance.

    if you eat a rabbit then by all means utilise its fur if you know where it is coming from. if you eat a cow use the leather, by using every part of that animal u are not wasting anything hense ensuring animal did not die in vain.

    i am not vegetarian nor will i ever be because eating meat is part of the circle of life. however why kill wild animals like foxes, meer cats, leopards, beavers, etc and domestic animals cats dogs just for there fur, we do not eat there meat. nor were we ever intended to eat there meat. we have no reason to use fur.

    the torture some of these animals go thru is quite frankly sick and i hope any1 who subjects animals to this will go to h**l. if you treated your pet half has bad as they were treating some of those animals you would go to jail. yet these ppl do it with a completely clean conscience . how do they sleep at night. how would u feel if you were skinnedn alive, starting from your feet up? horrendous thought isnt it ? so why do we subject animals to this. and as for the traps and snares they were using in idiho they are completely inhumane, thats y its is illegal to use them in england.  

  5. Big T- Did you see the fox being skinned alive? Have you ever seen a live fox shaking with fright with no skin on? It was not propaganda because it actually HAPPENED to that poor fox and probably happens every day there. Don't go saying its not that bad because in poorer countries it definately is.

  6. I did watch it and it was horrible! I can't believe people actually do things like that to animals just for fashion! I totally agree with you on everything

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