
Did anyone watch Ghosts..Fact or Fiction tonight on tv?

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I know it was a rerun..(.I'm just tryin' to keep this section alive.)

What did you think of it?




  1. no ,i hardly watch T.V.;however i didn't knew this section was 'die-y-ing',however i think this question doesn't help keep this section 'alive.'

  2. no I watched the show on History about the lost book of Nostradamus. It predicts the end of the world in 2012 like many other cultures. The sun is supposed to come into perfect alignment with the center of the galaxie in 2012. Mayans calander ends in 2012 and ancient chinese prophecy also ends in 2012. This alignment only happens once every 13,000 years

  3. No.

    I think it's fine.

  4. hi denie...this section does die out a bit, im with you on that one...(im smiling)...what nuff said  about 2012 i do wonder about 2012...i dont give it alot of thought, but one has to wonder noticing alot of people building underground in particular i read recently that tom cruise is spending 11 million on his underground bunker, and big enough to house a big noticing some big people here around me building them also...i often wonder why now (all of a sudden)... back in 2002 before i had ever spoke to anyone or knew anything about the mayan and 2012.....i would always feel some thing would happen in 10 was only recently that i worked out the 10 years would be in 2012...(never took proper notice before hand)...could be nothing, suppose we have to just wait for 2012 to know anything for sure...

  5. Does it every seem strange to you that there has never been a so-called paranormal demonstration that cannot be duplicated through trickery?  


  6. The computer ghosts and statues morphing seems so much more obvious now that everyone can or has done or knows how easy it is to do.

    When that show first came out, I think most people were in awe of some of the moving statues but I doubt anyone finds it impressive now. It is pretty bad now, but it wasn't at itl's first showing because we only saw that tecnoolgy in the movies or Disneyland.

    It does make me think that if you use a computer to hoax something, make sure the software will not be readily available in a few years if you don't want to get caught.

  7. I didn't see the show.  I have seen many paranormal shows though, and without fail every single one of them follows the same formula: 90% of the time offering evidence, giving one or two minutes to the token skeptic and concluding with a "who knows?"  The producers of shows like these are lazy.  It's easier to produce a show that has a bunch of anecdotal evidence and to leave things up in the air than it is to make a determination based on the evidence at hand.

  8. yes I found it intresting

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