
Did anyone watch supernany last night?

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I kind of imagine that is what it is like for a lot of young parents having too many kids to soon. They spend time distracting themselves from their children as in staying on yahoo answers 24/7. I don't know if any of them would be out going about the fact that they have kids and are repopulating the earth but unable to raise their children. After all can a child never having known the world raise children?

So my question is have you seen the show and what do you think of my theory?




  1. Is hard to be a parent, however when you read the word of God and live by the word of God , things come a long way better then any tv. show or any counsel or parenting therapy. and of course is not for children to have children but age is not only the problem in our society, is the lack of sense of morals and responsibility and maturity.i know parents that  had children at older age. and still did not made a good parent. tv and other advance technology is taken control of peoples time and their life are manipulated by the media.if you teached ,discipline and love and give your children lots of attention and  always making a big deal of their success ,it pays off. I know I have 4 kids. now they are all growned my youngest is 19 and self support himself,and well!!he just got a new car and live alone .and manage a insurance agency.and the other one are doing good was not easy ,but A 'm glad I put all my efforts to them, and now I see it was worth it. when we have children we become second: regardless of what this society tells you. you brought this kids into this world, they did not at any time asked you to bring them into the world. I think is time people stop  to direct their attention to themselves. and focus on your responsabilities.and stop telling the kids you owe me.!!! no we owe to know the reason why elderly people are neglected and abandoned in nursing home is cuz the majority of them were terrible parents.vs those that were good parents: their kids are always there watching over them,making sure theya re well taking care off.if we were only to follow God's counsel. we would not be in the terrible situatiation we are right now with so much drugs and violence.juvenile know I encourrage you single mothers to take counsel with GOD. I raised 4 children on my own. working hard and always making time for them,sometimes I worked 7 days a week. but I make sure they valunter at my work ,so they would learn responsabilities and to be busy always, busy. You  SINGLE mothers can do it . I know you can. I pray to the Lord that he gives all the single parents the wisdom to be good stuards of his gift.children are gift of GOd  for us to take care and one day we will give an  account of what we did with them.God bless you all.

  2. I saw parts of it and agree there are way too many children raising children.  Unfortunately believing they can do whatever they want comes with the territory of youth.  What I don't get, is if they're having difficulty with child #1 - what logic inspired them to then have child #2, and #3?  I'm not sure of your statement regarding never knowing the world - I didn't know the world either but through common sense, doing for mine what I didn't get, and talking to my peers - helped immensely.  It certainly wasn't perfect but it definitely wasn't out of control either.  Back in the day, if you weren't married with children before age 20, you were considered an oddity so the issue isn't just about age or 'knowing the world.'  There have to be other dynamics at play.

  3. I'm not sure age has a lot to do with it.

    I know a miserable 37 year old mother.

    Seeing the world might make you a better, more open-minded person. But that doesn't necessarily mean you'll be a better parent. Children pick up on a parent's moods. They look to their parents to learn how they should be. If the parents are loving, present and calm, the children will be also.

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