
Did anyone watch the RNC last night on CNN? Did anyone else notice the weirdo w/ the elephant hat?

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LOL, it was when Wolf was speaking. It was just over his right shoulder. This blue elephant hat creeps up and then BAM the elephant-hat-man is jumping up and down trying to get on tv. Cracked me up. I'm a Republican, just thought that was pretty funny. Anybody else watch it and think so too? Sometime we need to laugh through all this politcal seriousness.




  1. The RNC was a joke last night.

  2. I didn't bother watching it. It's not worth my time.  

  3. Yes it was funny.

  4. Oh you know those Republicans...I like to call it Koresh Charisma:)

  5. Watched on CNN.MSNBC and FOX, flipping between stations.

    Loved the blonde on CNN who was confused about the message the RNC were trying to deliver..

    Doh.. she put blondes back 40 years and represented why people think blondes are dumb

  6. You have to admit the hats are better in this convention.

  7. That wasn't a Hat that was Obama with his Dumbo Ears.

  8. Did anyone notice how CNN just cut away from the speeches to give their liberal bias opinions and try to pick apart what was being said?

    Didn't see all of that going on with the dem convention. Old Joe Lieberman must have really pissed them off. They just cut him off in mid stream.

  9. Nope I didnt watch the RNC or the DNC. I might watch the INC though. Maybe.

  10. I have never understood all the dorky hats.

  11. My favorite part was Fred Thompsons speech.

  12. I thought it was cool. I might even get one. Jon Stewart last week kept showing the guy in the yellow shirt who couldn't dance at the DNC.  That was funny.  Did ya catch the Daily Show doing Obama as The Lion King.  Complete with that African chanting. Did ya! Did ya! Huh! Huh! Huh!

  13. Those kind of things show up at the conventions. It is a form of party patriotism. Did you see all the donkeys at the DNC convention? There were thousands of them.  

  14. There were too many weirdos. I just couldn't pick him out.

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