
Did anyone worry about their drains with the heavy rainfall this week?

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ie, their ability to cope? I have a manhole cover right on my driveway and can't help but wonder whether our shared drain can cope with the stupid amounts of rain we've had in the UK.




  1. you have two types of drainage systems, one for foul waste(toilet and sink waste) the other is storm water (rain water) .

    most storm water from residential properties goes straight to a soakaway and there would probably not have to pass through a manhole (but not always the case).

    so i wouldn't worry too much about this manhole,

    you are more likely to see manholes out in the road lift up in heavy rain/flooding as their storm water goes into a different place to soak away and does pass through manholes.

  2. I live in central Texas, doll and we haven't had any rain since June. Quithurbitchin. LOL

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