
Did blue cross drop the full time student req. for dependents under 21?

by  |  earlier

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does anyone know if they dropped that requirement or if its been brought down to part time?- and what would part time be considered as?

or is the only option COBRA...if i'm not a full time student




  1. It depends on the particular group plan - your parents need to check.

  2. In order to qualify, you must be a full-time student. But since you are not, you have lost your coverage as a dependant under your parents which is a quaifying event to be eligible for COBRA. It is expensive! You might want to check into what an individual policy would cost you. (If you are healthy it would be more cost effective.) Of course, if you found a job with group benefits, that would be the best situation.

  3. No, you still have to be a full time student, if you're over 19.  Part time doesn't count, and you can't get Cobra - only the subscriber can.

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