
Did britains floods last year make american news for as long as their hurricane is on ours?

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i dont think so




  1. Actually they did, If you watch BBC news 24 late at night, they show ABC news sections from America, and they did show a piece on it.

  2. We're not that special! :0(

  3. they probs had a mention of it also robert c is an ignorant wanker

  4. Britain had a flood?  It was not advertised here, at least not well because I had no idea.

  5. I had no idea about any floods in britain, sorry.

  6. Do we want Americans to cancel their holiday plans, if they knew? They were worried when Tony Blair dressed up in biological warfare overalls at the height of Foot & Mouth. Gawd knows what they would make of Jackie Smith walking around her own Constituency in an anti-stab jacket.

  7. No of course not, but then the americans seem only interested in whats going on in America, as long as they are in the limelight, thats all they are interested.

    Sorry if that sounds harsh but other countries have devistation too not just America.

  8. there's a Hurricane? all my telly shows is sommat called the residential elections they're form america too - far as i can make out if you win you get a white house! - I'd just paint my own and i'd get it done well before Novemeber.

    not too bright over the pond are they?


    a Brummie

  9. um it's cuz there is oil in the gulf and it impacts the world

    not to mention England is a booger hanging off the nose of Europe

    unlike the USA which is awesome!

  10. yes

  11. Probably not - because Americans don't seem to be interested in what is happening in other countries.

    In fact, I would say that most Americans don't even know where other countries are.

  12. I heard about your floods, just because all Americans didn't doesn't mean that the rest of us didn't.

  13. Only one or two people died, that is not really news to other countries.  

  14. Yep I think the answers make your point for you.

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