
Did bruce lee ever win anything in real life?

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do you think he would make a good competitor in the beijiing olympics?

in kung fu section if he was alive and in his prime.

i know he was only an actor

but he was also a master of his art in real life

and founder of jeet kune do, and ran his own kung fu school

he was also choreographer for all fight seens in enter the dragon,

i just wondered if he won anything in real life, like medal, championsip, belt etc




  1. He wouldn't have competed in a Wu Shu competition in any Olympics, since he wasn't into forms training and preferred full contact sparing. Although he could have joined the boxing event since he once won a national amateur boxing competition back in Hongkong while he was a teenager. Incidentally he was also once the Hong Kong Cha Cha dance competition Champion(I'm not kidding, look it up): P

  2. I dont know but he did more in his life than win a silly token of victory. He made his own martial art jeet kun do which changed the way people saw martial arts forever. :)

  3. yes he will win  

  4. He won pride for his people. No medal needed. And i don't think any one really want to pick a fight with him. Do you? He is hardcore..And still a hero to many across the world. I think this is more than any medal one can win...

  5. Not sure...

    All I can say though is that Bruce Lee won my respect...

  6. the most that is on record is him winning a couple of armature boxing matches. no other official or verifiable records exist. Bruce Lee was an excellent martial artist but don't get drawn in by all the Bruce ite's that make him out to be some sort of god. he was a man, and there were many people of his time better then him. in fact if it wasn't for his movies we probably would never have heard of him.

  7. He'd be great in the Olympics if they didnt have drug tests, he'd win everything!

  8. Bruce lee actually won a gold medal in boxing back in hong kong, but not in the olympics. I think he won it in a national torunament or something like that.  

  9. Bruce Lee was not like Chuck Norris or Jean Claude Van Damme, who actually had a competitive fighting background prior to going into the movies, but neither did Steven Segal

    True, Bruce's tv shows and movies brought a lot of notoriety for him, but that by itself isn't going to earn someone the type of following he got

    how many people are out there swearing that David Carridine is the man, since he kicked so much butt in the Kung Fu series? For that matter, how many people are trying to learn martial arts from Keanu Reeves or Arnold Shwartzenegger? they kicked loads of butt in their movies, but people recognize their skills as make believe

    So most martial artists who believe Bruce was great have the ability to distinguish between a person's real skills and the illusion of the film (otherwise, people would be flocking to Sly Stallone's boxing school, wouldn't they?)

    Unfortunately, as for his real life skills, all any of us can really do is speculate

    I would like to think that the people who hold Bruce in high regard as a martial artist have actually studied the man as a martial artist, that his read his books and have tried to understand the philisophy and principles behind what was going on in all those movies

    True, he wouldn't be anywhere near as famous without the movies, but the same is true for chuck norris; that's just the world we live in, movie stars get more attention that martial artists

    He was in any case an innovator in the world of martial arts, and by all accounts of those who knew him, he was a great fighter

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