
Did canada win any medaks at the olympics?

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Did canada win any medaks at the olympics?




  1. yea i think they did!

  2. What is a medaks?

  3. Nah i dont think any country won any MEDAKS....medaks lol

  4. Yes, Canada won 18 medals: 3 gold, 9 silver, 6 bronze.

    Although that's not as many as some other countries, Canada did fairly well when you look at "medals per capita". Looked at like that, the Canadian team did roughly 50% better than the US and roughly 7 times better than China, even though those much larger countries topped the "total medals" and "most gold medals" rankings.

  5. this is foolish!  we all know that Canada did poorly.  we really have the fix our  sense of denial as a nation. Polls are just make make us shut up. But, reality is, people....

    our butts were kicked bigtime.

  6. Yes!

  7. yes to medals 3 gold 9 silver and 6 bronze they do much better at the winter games then summer

  8. Nope.  No medaks.


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