
Did china misused minor children to get olympic medals?

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They all look under 14.They all are just young children. People feel these children are trained like bonded laborers to win medals. what do you say? is it true?




  1. well apparently they were all of age according to their passports. A lot of Chinese people look very young, but they still looked a little TOO young.

    And it definitely seems like they are practically forced into the sport because I was listening to some of the stories and one of them included a girl who called her parent and asked if she could go home but they wouldn't ler her..... so it definitely SEEMS that way.

  2. They start training from young age 6 days a week, through blister and all.  

    In the south they are small but in the north they are tall

  3. um no.....alot of girls been misused...a girl from north korea and alot of girls from romania has...

  4. NO.  THEY ARE ALL 16+

  5. Naturally, most chinese are small people, generally. Maybe that is why you think they all look under 14. Other then that, i dont know if they are being misused...but i dont think so personally. Its just like any other country, if someone wants it well enough, they will push themselves to get there. You cant force people to act in the amazing way these guys are. Its amazing how advanced every athlete is that attends the olympics. Its just a shame all of them can't get the recognition they deserve!!

  6. Chinese is smaller is natural because of their diets and DNA. Maybe when they eat western style food they could grow much bigger.

    Yes, they are trained from young age to win the Olympics and they can't visit their paents only once a year during New Years. I think they give them free school and food and shelter and maybe some money. It's like a job.

    Maybe they should do the same in the USA.

  7. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Seems like people are already casting stones. Hypocrisy and sour grapes sure goes well together.

  8. Omg, this question pops up like every second. If you want to know our opinions and search it up. Now give us some peace and shut the h**l up.

  9. There were some like old Chinese newspaper articles that came out saying that a few were only 14, but really, who knows? We have no way of proving it, so we should really just all calm down.

  10. it is possible, but it is also possible that they are 16.

    u can't really tell the age of gymnasts by their looks, because the way their diet is designed is to delay their puberty as late as possible.  


  11. I'm not prepared to say that they are all underage. However, as a former gymnast, I know from experience as an athlete and as a coach, that there is a certain level of control that you have over your body when you're older in the sport. You don't have that same control as a younger gymnast, and most of your moves are more based on being light and agile, than skill.

    Watching their gymnasts closely, two in particular seem to lack the control that you would have at 16. That makes me suspicious. Bela Karolyi claims that one of them was missing a tooth, but that is being ignored because of the rest of their complaining...hard to say, but I have no problem believing it.

  12. No they are all legal age so get over it America you can't have everything your own way

  13. Taking a look at Cheng Fei, she looks not much older than the other gymnasts and for sure she is older than 16 (since she participated in Athens and even if she was younger age then, she is surely 16+ now). I dont know much about gymnastics, so I base off how old they look (like alot of other people). Comparing to Cheng Fei, I wouldn't be surprised of they were or werent older than 16...

    However, I wouldnt say the training is abuse. Coaches everywhere push their athletes to the limits, even if the athlete complains and wants to stop. Moreover, you have to understand Chinese culture. There is always a push from parents and seniority for their kids to do more and better in things as small as getting an A on a test. Its just how things are done. If a Chinese person were to look at the American culture and point of view, they may think that they are TOO relaxed.

  14. Yeah, this is a question that has been asked a lot lately. I think that some of the female gymnasts are underage, but that belief is based solely on my opinion that they look really young. I have no proof.

  15. I doubt, pple admit it the gymnasts were way above average they were well prepared

  16. I don't know... what do you think:

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