
Did chris brown get rihanna pregnant?

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Did chris brown get rihanna pregnant?




  1. uh no i don't think so where did u here that?!

  2. Huh? NO.

  3. I read somewhere they were moving in together ......But I did not hear about a pregnancy If so i hope the baby does not get her big azz forehead.

  4. I didn't even know she's pregnant.Is she really?

  5. Nope.

    He's too nice to do that.

  6. Hey

    im a huge fan of both so i can honestly tell you what i know.

    I know that they live together, but im not sure if she's pregnant or not. Im guessing shes not because sh recently said she want's children before she hits 30 so i dont know..but her career is doveloping more now so i dont think so..But rihanna and chris seem like they really love eachother.

  7. rihanna's pregnant

  8. No, she isn't pregnant...  

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