
Did clomid cause weight gain??

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I was wondering if you had any negative side effects on clomid? weight gain? unusual hair growth? anything?




  1. can i ask, what is clomid? i'm ttc for 6 months with no joy. is it highly recommended?

  2. i did not gain weight on clomid i actully lost weight because it made me so sick. it was all worth it though!

  3. I tried Clomid for 4 cycles and did not experience weight gain or unusual hair growth . . . that all came with the pregnancy!

    The side effects that I did experience were hot flashes, head aches, and terrible mood swings.

    Good luck!

  4. Hot flushes

    Mood swings

    abdominal distention from excess water

  5. Weight gain is one of the more common Clomid side effects, though not everyone will experience it.  It's right up there with the hot flashes, irritability and cramps.  I did experience some weight gain with the Clomid and also with the Provera I had to take to start my cycle up to start taking the Clomid.  I've found that eating a balanced diet does not really seem to keep the extra pounds off (some is retained water) and you really don't want to undereat on Clomid because it will deprive your body of the nutrients it needs to cycle properly.  It's just yet another thing you have to put up with while going through this, and injectibles are supposedly worse.  With Clomid I had weight gain, irritability, severe ovulation cramps, nausea, headaches, hot flashes, bloating, indigestion and the symptoms lasted for 2 weeks.  It made me ovulate, but not until CD23 and my luteal phase was still only 10 days long.  Hope your experience is better than mine and this month is your BFP!!

  6. I gained weight with it. Only a few pounds but enough for me to notice. I am trying to lose it, but having trouble doing so. Weight gain can be one of the side effects.

  7. I have taken many rounds of clomid from doses of 50mgs up to 250mgs and most cycles I gain like 2-4 lbs while taking the clomid, but on rare occassions it's made me so nauseous I've actually lost a couple pounds. But it is a reported side effect of Clomid. As for the hair growth I have PCOS and usually have weird hair growth but it hasn't really changed on clomid.

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