
Did disgraced snooker player Quentin Hann have a boxing match against Mark King?

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A few years ago, snooker players Quentin Hann and Mark (or Mike) King were supposedly going to have a boxing match, possibly in the name of charity, and also possibly because of a feud they'd had over the snooker tables. Does anyone have any details of this, or even know if this fight ever happenned, or who won?




  1. ya he did and won. but he came over to ireland 2 or 3 months later and sad that all GAA footballers where pancies and he would fight any of them, a Dublin football player took him on and left him black and blue. don,t think he has opened his mouth since.

  2. It is true. Hann challenged Andy Hicks to a fight after Hicks beat him in the world championship 1st round. King stepped in, and said that he's take the fight! As the previous answer said, Hann won, but only on points, and now he's no-one!!

  3. Hann won !!!

  4. does it really matter, if it was for charity then good on them. but they are 2 grown men who should know better

  5. yes and Hann won.

  6. yes    they   did

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