
Did/do you have a small, medium or large family?

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In your opinion which family size is best to have.




  1. We are; Mummy, Daddy and two boys so small at the moment but we are looking at expanding the enterprise in the near future.

  2. I got 2 girls 4 boys - fun but expensive. I won't die rich but I should be well looked after.

  3. large!  

  4. I grew up with one brother and one sister, which to me was perfect.  I have one child already and would love to have two more, the same as my parents as that number seemed to work really well with us.  So I guess that comes under ?medium family.

  5. I think medium.  I had small (one sister) but with a big age gap so we weren't very close.  My father in law had large (8 brothers and sisters) but barely knows the older ones because of the age gap and there was never much money.  I think 3 or 4 children would be great.

  6. me , my mum , my dad, grandma, grandad, 2 aunts 1 uncle ( all married )  8 cousins , 9 2nd cousins , 1 great aunt . i hardly ever see most of my cousins and second cousins or aunts, uncles and grandparents because they all live in canada - were not close - i think i we have a small family and i would ahve liked maybe one more sibling but not too many

  7. Large.

    Oh you mean how much people there are?

    I've got a medium sized family.

  8. Large, b\c not only will u be family, but when u get to know each other u will be friends and it is also healthy environment for children to enteract with more ppl. and be friends. basically, i prefer a large family for that reason.

  9. here in south of Italy there are very very large family ( from 2 to 8...9.. brothers and sisters) but i think medium!

  10. I have a large family, i guess large is best.

  11. I come from a large family of 5 kids and have a small family of one child now. We're trying to change that, but not sure I want a large family any more.

  12. I have a very large family. I am one of 15 kids. I can't really say what family size is best to have...I loved growing up in a large family and wouldn't change it for the world. But thats a personal choice. It all depends on what you think you can handle. Not everyone can handle having a large family (its a lot of work). And it can be stressful at times... but at the same time there is nothing like the bond that brothers and sisters have. And as they (we) grow up the bond grows stronger, and so does the respect for each other. My fondest memories are vacationing with my family... And I honestly think its those experiences that really make me soooo excited to start a family of my own, and to continue on with many family traditions. Family is Everything!!!

  13. I have a small family, and grew up in a small family. I think medium would be best (2 parents; 2-3 kids)

  14. i have 8 kids and i was from a medium size family,my sister has 7 kids,and yet my other sister has 3 and the other none and doesn't want any,i love big family's we have fun ,

  15. I know that my family is tiny, I am the only child (I'm fifteen) and I have my mom and dad. However, I appreciate the small size of my family because it is very nice and I like the quiet.

    I think that there's pro's and con's about every sized family. With a large family, it's never boring there's always something going on whether it's good or bad, but you're always on your toes. I guess there's more love to share, but hey I wouldn't know I'm an only child. I guess a con with a larger family is that it's more costly and it can get too chaotic, but I'm not for sure on that.

    With a small family, if you're someone who likes the quiet, well there's plenty of that which is something I love. I personally think I would lose it if my family was so big with a bunch of kids running around the place and stuff. I like it when it's quiet because I can read (which I do quite often) practice my flute, fife, or piccolo, or just think. It is also a bit cheaper. Also for me, I have this huge bond with my mom because we have a ton of time spent together as mother and child, we do everything together. So I'm not going to say there's a bigger bond than large families, but there's more time spent on focusing on that particular child. As for cons for a small family, you know I never thought of it because I was always happy with my small sized family. I mean some say it can be lonlier and too quiet, but I like that and trust me if my dad and I are playing our heavy metal music then it's far from quiet.

    I guess I can't think of any cons for small families because I love my small family. I appreciate it, I know that I'm lucky to have a family and that's it.

  16. Im pregnant with baby no3 and it will probably be my last, I suffer horrendous sickness, terrible heartburn,  crippling SPD among a few other things and I really dont think I could put my body through another pregnancy

    I would love to have a few more and I know my hubby definately would but you also have to consider finances etc........holidays get more expensive, bigger car, school uniforms etc so 3 will be nice but I will also feel guilty that one of my children will be left out ie 2boys 1 girl or 2 girls 1 boy

  17. medium

    becouse is not so many people at  chritmas and birhdays

    plus there is still atot of paople to stick up for you(i have a  big family)

  18. Whatever the parents can cope with, and whatever works for the individual family unit.  Some children - like myself - are more than happy to be an only child.  Other children thrive on the company of their siblings.

    I am pregnant with my 3rd and final child - so for me a middle sized family works well. I know people who'd have 6 children given the chance and others far from ready to have their first!!

    No right or wrong answer here!

  19. I came from a family of 6 and we are now a family of 6. I like having a big family.

  20. i have a large family but im the only girl so i hate it even no i have my brothers that stick up 4 me x

  21. I'd say we have a fairly large family.We're six siblings in total.I myself have just the one son.Personally i think one should have enough children they can support properly(both in a loving and financial way).My parents provided for us really well(again I repeat in terms of love and money) so we didn't lack much.It hurts when I see people who have so many kids that they can't take care of,or kids who are always being told off or yelled at.I think that is wrong.Family size is a sensitive subject-and personal,but I think others would agree that a child should not be conceived if it isn't going to be given the rights it deserves.

  22. Bro 18........and u no wht.....till about the last year or something.....we...i mean my parens , bro and all the other Bro's of my dad and their respected families would stay togeather..!!! but unfortunately......for some reasons....they had to part...!!

    i mean like if u have ur brothers or something like tht,.....u stay togeather....and i think u can have 2 children....!!!!!! but a large family wid ur dads........and grand is awesome...its all ways a festival like atmosphere at me...!!

  23. i have 2 brothers and 6 cousins that i never really see and are all like 10 years older than me.

    but i want lots of kids  like 5 or 6 and to have big family and large family reunions.

  24. I don't know if there is a "best" size...I come from a medium (3 kids),

    my parents come from pretty large families (5 kids in dad's, 6 in mom's) and my husband is the second-to-youngest out of 5 kids.  I'm going to go with medium as being best, as me and my siblings seem to have far fewer problems getting along then any of the other groups that I've mentioned here.

  25. I come from a large family and I have a medium family but im not finished yet. I have 5 siblings and I loved it, I love it even more now that we are older and closer then ever. I now have 3 kids aged 18 months and twins who are 5 weeks, I want two more because I think large families are better.

  26. I think small (1-2) or medium(3-4) would be good

    you can do more things with a smaller type family than  a large. dont get me wrong big families can be nice but most of the time it's a hassle in my fmaily there are 2 girls and 4 boys

    i'm the eldest and there is a 13 year age gap betwee me and my youngest brother, i was graduating high school when he was graduating preschool. And going out to eat never happens becasue we need such a large table for everyone and it's so expensive

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