
Did/does Ukraine and Russia have hostile relations?

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Hostile or unfriendly relations?




  1. I'd say the genocide of between 6 and 10 million Ukrainians by the murderous barbarians to their north might have strained relations just a tad.  But that's nothing that the nuking of Moscow wouldn't smooth over.

  2. I think they are touchy.   Most of the republics that had been incorporated into the USSR are leery of Russia.  Prior to the Revolution, Russia had done what the USSR later did.  Constantly expand its borders to protect its borders.  The Tsars and those over the USSR couldn't govern efficiently the territory they had and they would increase their borders taking over other countries and they certainly weren't able to govern efficiently with their increased territory.

  3. Very unfriendly, hostile toward one another.  Russia needs Ukraine for their oil and gas pipelines to the Black Sea, Ukraine's factories which produce missile systems, and the agriculture products Ukraine produces.

    Ukraine needs the oil and gas shipments from Russia.  But Russia seems to think they should still be able to tell Ukraine what to do and when to do it.

    In early June 2008, Ukrainian officials publicly protested Russia’s decision to unilaterally build a chemical weapons processing facility in Bryansk, just 70 kilometers from the Ukrainian border, without prior notice. Russia shot back, threatening to cut out Ukraine as a supplier of rocket parts.

    Also in June,Russian officials protested Ukraine’s decision to celebrate a 350­year­old battle in which Russian invaders were repelled.

    After Moscow's mayor, Yuriy Luzhkov, while on a visit to Sevastopol disputed Ukraine's ownership of that city, the mayor was barred from entering the country again by Ukraine State Security Police.

    So does Ukraine and Russia have hostile and/or unfriendly relations?


  4. Very much so. Russia keeps cutting natural gas supplies and Ukraine still is a tad bitter about Stalin starving millions of them to death.

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