
Did/does your baby love to put stuff over their face?

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I'm not sure this is normal or not, but my 5 month old daughter loves to put stuff over her eyes and face. Blankies, stuffed animals, clothing, toys, etc. Anything that you give her she immediately puts it on her face. I never leave her unattended with toys and stuff, but I do put a receiving blanket around her at night in her crib. I'm not sure I should be doing this but I worry about her being chilly. Did your babies do this? I'm a little edgy about it...




  1. Not only would both my kids do that, they also covered themselves with the food I would give them when I started introducing foods. LOL.. If you are that nervous about the blanket being in bed with your child, buy one of those sleep sacks or put your baby in warmer pajamas at night with no blankets. Good luck.  

  2. my daughter loves to do this & it provides many hours of peek a boo!

    She's 5 months also.

    She would take my hand & put it over one cheek so to get her to sleep when she is fighting it, I use my hand. She goes right out. She also likes to burrow her little face in my body or her Daddies. it relaxes her & she can go right out. We then reposition her so I know she can breath.

  3. my 8 mth old has a blanket that he likes to pull over his face when he is sleeping - it's fairly openweave and he can breath thru it so i'm not worried.  

    It's just a comfort thing, so just make sure that the blankets and things on her bed are things she can breath though and obviously don't leave anything like a plastic bag lying around!!

    If she is strong enough to put the toys on her face she would be strong enough to get them off again - but it's always best to keep a close eye on these little ratbags coz they get up to mischief pretty quickly!

  4. my niece did this at around 3-4months and still does it at 10 months.  she has a blanket that she sleeps with and no matter what...even if my sis pulls it off of her face, she pulls it right back.  She started off before 3-4 months just rubbing her cheek with it but now just covers her face.  I suppose it is a preference that she may just keep forever.  One thing I know is...SIDs is a scare, but I'm not really sure when they do not have that as a risk.  

  5. Yes my twins LOVE to have stuff smashed onto there faces LOL they are always shoving things onto there faces and in there mouths LOL they crack me up i would be worried though all babies do it :  )  

  6. My 4 month old does the same thing. He has a favorite blanket that he loves to cuddle with. I think it's adorable but am careful to watch him when he's holding it.

  7. My 7 month old son would love if I would allow him to sleep with his face smothered in a pillow, blanket, stuffed animal or our beds pillow top. I used to wake up to pull objects off his face just to wake up an hour later to roll him over again or remove another object. Now I just let him sleep however he pleases.

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