
Did environmentalists contribute to terrorism?

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As they opposed coal power plants, increasing our dependency on foreign fuel sources they made the Arabs wealthier.




  1. No? Most environmentalists are opposed to foreign fuel sources as well. I believe most environmentalists want to support local economies.

  2. Actually, environmentalists have been opposing all fossil fuels for some time now, especially oil and coal.  Our government's relentless pursuit of oil is what causes terrorism.

  3. For the most part, no.But it would be nice if more would address the issue of Alternative use of Conventional Energy.This has been, and continues to be totally suppressed.Gasoline can be safely converted to a clear dry vapor that is 100 parts of Air to 1 part of Fuel.The commonly accepted formula is 14.7 to 1.This is so wrong.Even the largest SUV could easily get 50 + MPG, and emit a fraction of the Emissions of a conventional fuel system.For even more, go to and and also do a search on [the late] Tom Ogle.I'm not trying to sell anything, I just want to get the word out.I just wish that the right people, with the ability to make a difference, would check this out !

  4. Well most environmentalists are peaceful in there pursuit for a healthier environment. There has been some ELF stuff which I do not agree with but no deaths to date have been associated with this group nor is it their intention. The worst one could say about them is that they have good intentions but are misguided.

    Next to real terrorists who have killed people in the thousands, purposefully tortured and beheaded individuals, and have destroyed property on a mass scale this is no reasonable comparison.

    As for the damage the fossil fuel industry has done to the environment (and those who rely on it for their survival) as well as the violent conflicts that surround them yes the comparison is a lot more close, yet indirect from the general publics understanding.

  5. No.

    First off, 50% of US power comes from coal, so your argument makes no sense on that front.

    Secondly, we use little oil for energy production.  It's mostly used for gasoline, so your argument makes no sense on that front either.

  6. Not the terrorism that is from middle eastern cells and the other common groups. Environmentalists have been known to be terrorists themselves however.  They put metal rods in trees just before a group is going to cut them down. Then the chainsaw hit the rod and could kill the worker.  Ive also heard about blowing dealerships of cars that get bad gas mileage.

  7. No, because we did end up building more coal fired plants and we don't generate a significant amount of electricity by burning oil.

    If you believe in AGW then they contributed to that though, by preventing the growth of the nuclear power industry in the US.

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