
Did everything that exists have to become what it is now?

by  |  earlier

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If so, and you are a theist, does this not then mean that "God" had to become?




  1. yes...everything had to become what it is now (even God) but that is not where it stops...its growing...everything grows and becomes something new in a new era.

  2. yeah! it sure is confusing, as I can't find the meaning of 'become'. I checked with Yahoo and Wikipedia but apart from how to 'become' a plumber! I didn't learn a lot.

  3. No one knows.

    It's a confusing matter to think about.

  4. Yes, everything has changed in some way, and no, that has nothing to do with God.....or unicorns and Santa Clause.

  5. God is the totality of what we perceive as "the becoming". Really, there is no becoming, because it is already complete. Everything already is. But we don't see it, or at least not all at once, because we are incomplete. We are becoming.

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