
Did female intuition evolve through millions of years of women not thinking?

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i cant remember who said this. someone famous




  1. I'm not sure that female intuition is real.

  2. Nah, we've been like that since the dawn of time. It's a lot less stressful. Probably why we live longer.

  3. This question certainly didn't come about from years of thinking. Female intuition is equivalent to a male hunch. Both are just fancy ways of saying they guess-which does require a modest amount of thinking-for both genders.

    But I'm sure thinking won't affect you any time soon.

  4. Nope, women's intuition comes from many years of learning how to deal with men.

  5. You cant be alive without thinking. Theres not a second that goes by that a thought didnt come in your mind. It's always thinking. So the answer to your question is no.

  6. lol I like it...

    There's male intuition too...and if a woman says differnt they're sexist! =P

  7. When women have a hunch, it's "female intuition."  When men have a hunch, it's a "gut feeling."

    Same sh*t, different name.

    So no, unless men didn't think for millions of years either.

  8. Well, evolution appears to have skipped you in the thinking department.

    Thag need someone to show him how to make fire?

  9. Isn't evolution a maarvellous thing.

  10. Intuition is evolving through out all the world. Where there has been century's of repressing "awareness" ( since the witch trials that occurred in many countries). We always tell our kids "it's only your imagination" and stifle them (as our parents stifled us) but people are becoming more aware of the importance of the "gut instinct" and many people scoff at the word "psychic" but are becoming more accepting of the word "intuitive".

    Regardless of the label we choose to put on something it is never the less real and we are learning to be more receptive to it.

    Now that we are not only allowing children to express their "intuitive" and not ignoring it or shoving it down into them we are actually allowing a natural evolution of the gifts we are born with. Best wishes.

    Light & Love,

  11. No.  But men's opposition to female intuition evolved due to men not liking it that women can sense when they are unfaithful.

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