ever realized how complex the human brain is?
someones tried telling me that god doesnt exsist and that everything was scientifically made.
"big bang theory" haha
"the stars exploded and their particles formed together by gravity in a rotational manner thus creating the galaxy and the sun. By its gravitational field pulled in all these particles in orbits and created planets.
are u kidding me? ok cool ..but
.... how in the world could the human brain, which is so unbelieveably unique..could have been scientifically made?
it just doesnt make sense.
GOD, created humans, he created every part of our body with detail.
so the whole thought that things are 'man made' is bs.
i can point at a chair an say god made tht chair, because he created the brain. He gave us the knowledge we have today to create everything that we have.... including science.
a higher being or power must have made our exsistance.