
Did god really torture a man just to prove a point to Satin in the book of Job?

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Did I read this right ? Was God really tricked by Satin to torture a man who worshiped him like he wants us to do?




  1. "In the end, Job got everything back and a whole lot more."

    "God blessed Job with a double portion of everything."

    "God allowed Satan to do these things to him so that Job could be a motivation and inspiration to others. "

    "but He blessed Job more than double for his trouble."

    Heh.  Small consolation to his dead wife and children.

  2. A guardian angel is appointed to every follower of Christ. These heavenly watchers shield the righteous from the power of the wicked one. This Satan himself recognized when he said: "Doth Job fear God for nought? Hast not Thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side?" Job 1:9, 10. The agency by which God protects His people is presented in the words of the psalmist: "The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them." Psalm 34:7. Said the Saviour, speaking of those that believe in Him: "Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of My Father." Matthew 18:10. The angels appointed to minister to the children of God have at all times access to His presence.

    Unselfishness, the principle of God's kingdom, is the principle that Satan hates; its very existence he denies. From the beginning of the great controversy he has endeavored to prove God's principles of action to be selfish, and he deals in the same way with all who serve God. To disprove Satan's claim is the work of Christ and of all who bear His name. Very early in the history of the world is given the life-record of one over whom this controversy of Satan's was waged. Of Job, the patriarch of Uz, the testimony of the Searcher of hearts was, "There is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil."  

         Against this man, Satan brought scornful charge: "Doth Job fear God for naught? Hast thou not made a hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side?"

         The Lord said unto Satan, "All that he hath is in thy power." "Behold, he is in thine hand; but save his life."

         Thus permitted, Satan swept away all that Job possessed,--flocks and herds, men-servants and maidens, sons and daughters; and he "smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot unto his crown."

         Still another element of bitterness was added to his cup. His friends, seeing in adversity but the retribution of sin, pressed on his bruised and burdened spirit their accusations of wrong-doing.

         "When he has tried me," he said, "I shall come forth as gold." So it came to pass. By his patient endurance he vindicated his own character, and thus the character of Him whose representative he was. The Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.  So the Lord blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning.  

  3. God allowed Satan to torture Job not to prove to Satan, but to show us that doing the right thing isn't always pleasant, but it is always right.

  4. Actually the mythical god of Abraham did it because he was petty.

  5. Another person who didn't bother reading the book of Job.  Sigh..... When will you people learn to read?  Here, let me spell it for you:

    Job 1:12  And the Lord said to Satan, "Behold, all that he has is in YOUR power; only do not lay a hand on his person."

    Job 2:6  And the Lord said to Satan, "Behold, he is in YOUR hand, but spare his life."

    Satan complained that God was protecting Job in Job 1:10, and Satan asked God to strike Job in Job 1:12.  But, God did not.  He put Job into Satan's hands, and it was Satan who destroyed him, not God.

    Notice that God is the one who restored Job to a greater position of wealth and prosperity than before, Job 42:12-17.

    So, where did you REALLY get your information from?

  6. God would never torture anyone. He pointed out his faithful servant Job to Satan. God told Satan that Job would always be faithful to him and Satan took it as a challenge. God basically said, "You can do anything to him, except take his life." Satan did everything he could to Job, yet Job did remain faithful. In the end, Job was rewarded with another family, his wealth and all he had owned were restored to him.

    We all have trials and tribulations in this life brought about by Satan, our enemy, and we are tested at times, beyond what we think we can endure. But we grow and mature through the experience. That's what life is about. Learning and growing through life's trials and temptations.

  7. We don't know always what God is doing in another one's life !!!

    Maybe the following will help your thinking on the matter !!!

    Jesus talked about Childlike faith (Luke 18:15-17). In 1 Corinthians 13:11, Apostle Paul spoke of Childish thinking.

    Childish Faith

    --- 1. Good Christians don’t have pain and disappointments.

    --- 2. God wants us to make us happy.

    --- 3. God always answers prayers.

    --- 4. Faith will help us to always understand what God is doing.

    --- 5. Good Christians are always strong.

    Childlike Faith

    --- 1. God uses our pain and disappointment to make us better Christians.

    --- 2. God wants us to make us holy.

    --- 3. Sometimes He answers with “No” or “Wait”

    --- 4. Faith will help us to stand under God’s sovereignty even when we don’t have a clue about what God is doing.

    --- 5. Our strength is in admitting our weakness.

    Here is the heart of matter: Childish faith is self-centered and demanding. It expects God to shield us from all difficulties and to make life comfortable for us. In contrast, Childlike faith focuses on God. It trusts Him to use even difficulties for our good and His glory.

    What kind of faith is yours?

    If you knew what kind of faith you had, then read, study, meditate, cherish the Word of God and pray everyday so that you will grow in grace.

    “But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.” - 2 Peter 3:18 KJV

  8. God was not tricked.  God was bragging and Satan told him to prove it.  So Job lost everything so that god could gloat to satan.

    It is total nonsense anyway.

  9. God caused the bad things to happen to Job to show Job who it was that gave him all of the the things he had.

    "The good Lord giveth, and the good Lord taketh away"

    It was God's blessings that got Job all the wealth and family, so God had the right to take it back if He chose to do so.

  10. "The Father in heaven does not willingly afflict the children of men. Man suffers, first, from the accidents of time and the imperfections of the evil of an immature physical existence. Next, he suffers the inexorable consequences of sin--the transgression of the laws of life and light. And finally, man reaps the harvest of his own iniquitous persistence in rebellion against the righteous rule of heaven on earth. But man's miseries are not a personal visitation of divine judgment. Man can, and will, do much to lessen his temporal sufferings. But once and for all be delivered from the superstition that God afflicts man at the behest of the evil one. Study the Book of Job just to discover how many wrong ideas of God even good men may honestly entertain; and then note how even the painfully afflicted Job found the God of comfort and salvation in spite of such erroneous teachings. At last his faith pierced the clouds of suffering to discern the light of life pouring forth from the Father as healing mercy and everlasting righteousness."

  11. God allowed Satan to do these things to him so that Job could be a motivation and inspiration to others. God never gives more than u can handle. He knew that Job would conquer, and that many people later on would read his story and realize that they too have been called to conquer in the name of Jesus and that all things are possible in His precious name.  

  12. God did it to show that no matter what pain man goes through (rather Satan sin-based or a trial God gives us) man will still call on God to get them through it and not lose faith

  13. First, look at the picture, Satan went before God and pointed out Job, and told God that if God withheld His hand from Job, that Job would curse God . God told satan that satan could touch Job's things, but not Job's body. So Job lost everything, his "friends" and his wife told him to curse God and die, Job refused, and said,"The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away, Blessed be His name forever" Now look at the last part of the book of Job, Job ends up with exactly twice the amount of things that he started with. So who got fooled, and tricked? I would say that satan did, and Job was more prosperous than before, something that really makes the devil mad is for the children to have health, and prosperity. I hope that this helps you, God bless you in your study of His Word.

  14. Job was seeking to be righteous and appeared to be but didn't really KNOW God yet. Yes it is really possible for people to know God like you would know your parents or a friend. I don't personally KNOW him but I know it is possible because God says so. Satan hates everyone especially people who try to do what God says so he wanted to torture Job and God allowed it.God wasn't tricked. If anyone was tricked it was Satan. If Satan knew that Job would be better off after he tortured him he never would have done it.  He allowed Satan to do things to Job but not to kill him. In doing this Job was broken down and could no longer rest in his own righteousness. It was when he was broken completely that he was able to finally seek God completely and find him. Then Job was truly blessed because he was now truly alive and would live with God forever.

  15. if you look at it from a Tibetan point of view, it was Master Shugden (protector of the dharma), just helping Job with a plan custom made just for him, to find enlightenment

    just because man does not understand the ways of God, does not mean they are wrong

    the universe takes care of itself in the end

  16. As Manuel mentioned....I'm sure Job's dead wife and kids were overjoyed that their father got paid double for their suffering!  Wow it makes God sound like Walmart....2 for the price of 1 !

    Oh and by the way....if God came down and played out this little show and tell game here and now...he could be arrested for standing by while others are being what does that say about God?

  17. no satan tempted Job to curse God by satan destroying the children and his property.

    God tortured no one.

  18. God was not "tricked" by satan are you kidding me? God ALLOWED satan to temporarily bring Job some discomfort as a test of his (Job's) faith.  And the latter half of Job's life far exceeded his past after he was proven to be faithful to God.  Even God had remorse for allowing satan to do so but He blessed Job more than double for his trouble.  It wasn't to prove anything to satan it was to test Job's faithfulness......

  19. God was not the one who tortured Job.  Satan tortured Job.  When Job wouldn't curse God God blessed Job with a double portion of everything.

  20. he didnt torture him he let the devil have his way to show that man that god can take that pain away

  21. Of course.

  22. It's Satan, not Satin. The Book of Job, when read properly shows that 'Satan' is one of God's angels-he just doesn't like humans. So, to prove a point to Satan, God LETS Satan do horrible things to Job, including KILLING HIS SEVEN CHILDREN! Some ditz said 'temporary discomfort'. Whatever.

    The book does not ever mention Job's wife's name nor how losing seven kids in one day would affect her. At the end of the story, Job finally questions why God would do this...he is told, basically, 'Who are you to question me?'.

    Job then gets a new wife, 14 kids and twice everything he had before but is never told WHY he had to endure all that suffering in the first place, plus I really don't see how any of the 'rewards' are supposed to compensate for the grief he endured or the paranoia he's going to suffer from the rest of his life.

    I know this is long winded like the others but they are crazy for thinking the torture he went through at the permission of God was a 'just' test.

    It does prove the point that the Old Test. Satan and he New Test. character of Satan are not the same. The OT one is God's servant, the New Test. one is God's enemy.  

  23. please, the only one the devil/satan has tricked is humanity for it believes that he the devil does not exist and wait  to the end where many will hate the fundies for not telling them more about God.  Now to your question--God allowed it to happen but the purpose was to show that we all can endure; we must trust even in the pain and suffering; God's word is true forever; and most of all to show the great power God has over all--all the losses Job had were multiplied at the end and the devil is still out trying to deceive men.  So don't fall into what some God-haters try to push and use rational to understand God for He is not about being understood with our human understand for God is not flesh but spirit and to understand this we must be in spirit too.   I hope this helps so if you are lost seek God and ask Jesus to enter your heart and forgive your deeds--sins for the end of time is closer than it was today.  :D

  24. I don't think you read the book of Job.

  25. God tested Job. He didn't water board him. In the end, Job got everything back and a whole lot more. You Forgot to mention that part.  

  26. Job 2:7 So went Satan forth from the presence of the LORD, and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his feet unto his crown.

    Satan is the one that did all of the evil against Job, not God.

  27. God wasn't tricked. He willingly tortured an innocent man and his family just to prove a point. Many Christians tell us that this is a beautiful tale of one man's devotion. To me it just means that God is an ***. I mean God loves us right. And Satan hates us. Satan causes misery on Earth and leads people astray from God, leading to their eternal damnation. God could stop Satan at any time, he's omnipotent, he could just wipe Satan out of existance. But he doesn't.

  28. You read it wrong or you read it out of a counterfeit Bible. God was aproached by satan who thought  that Job only loved God because of all the things that God had done for Job. God told satan that this was not true so God gave satan permission to test Job to prove that he really loved God. God told satan that he could do anything to Job and take anything from him he wished but he could not take his life. You no the story from there.  

  29. no u did not satan told God that the only reason Job was the way he was is because God protected him so God said i will remove my protection and Job will still not turn to you so God did and satan threw everything he had at Job but still Job remained faithful to God  so God threw his protection back on and said satan i knew him before i put him in the womb he is one of my chosen ones the lesson here is that your faith must be unwavering no matter what that is te type of child God is looking for Job withstood satan and he was human just like us so we too can withstand satan the same power over our enemies that God gave Job He also gives us  

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