
Did granting women the right to vote cause big government?

by Guest59222  |  earlier

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Specifically, I am referring to the research of John Lott about his theories on what caused state and federal government to become so big, especially in regards to spending. According to his theories, government skyrocketed in size and spending around the time that women in America were granted the ability to vote.

Please note: I am not against women voting; however, I am very concerned about our large government and HUGE tax burden. I had never heard this theory before I read about it very recently.




  1. Since women got the vote in 1919 and big government did begin until the 40's, I think someone is a wee bit off.  

  2. The answer is 'NO' but the passage of the 17th Amendment did!  Before the 17th Amendment was passed, Senators were appointed by the Legislatures of the States rather than elected by the people. Because they were political appointees they could be 'Elder Statesmen [women]' and could be objective in the consideration of Bills. There was no motivation to carelessly spend the countries money. What's more no lobbyists or PACs could bribe them and if they tried they could all be dealt with as the criminals they would be! Now, since the passage of the 17th Amendment, Senators are beholding to the fickle whims of the people whose vote they must get to be re-elected: a necessarily degenerate Democracy! The lobbyists and PACs offer buckets of money to help them get that vote! Democracy is always degenerate because people vote to support their own motivated self interest or what the demagogue, lobbyist or PAC of the minute has convinced them is their motivated self interest and so is reduced to its lowest common denominator ie. 'Mob Rule'! When you listen to fools the mob rules!

  3. stupid theory. g*y

  4. No, government caused Big Government.  The biggest government of all time, in the U.S. was created by the conservative icon, Ronald Reagan.  The Trent lott theory is based in the notion that women are more likely to authorize or vote for social reform.

  5. That's about the biggest bunch of  hog wash that I have ever heard. No Wonder Bush was elected twice. Americans aren't too bright.

  6. You guys are being way too hard on him--he said himself women should have the right to vote, he's just never heard this theory before.  As for the putz who thinks Reagan caused big government, ever heard of the Sixteenth Amendment or Roosevelt's New Deal?  That was the beginning of Big Government.

  7. women being able to vote and big government are two completely unrelated issues, lol maybe if you expanded on your question and explained why you think they may be a link between the two, answers would be more forthcoming

  8. Letting women vote was the right thing to do. If most countries in the world continued to ignore women, we would be even more corrupted than we already are. And big government didn't happen until after/during World War 2 when Roosevelt spent a lot of this countries's tax money to finance the war and get this country out of the depression

    Following presidents continued it and it slowly adapted into the federal, than state government. Now we are in debt in the trillions. BTW, Obama or McCain don't have many resources to change that either, yet.  

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