
Did having a baby together bring you closer together as a couple?

by Guest60935  |  earlier

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I'm 7 months pregnant and my husband has been acting really distant and cold toward me. I'm hoping he just has the jitters about having a baby and things will get better once the baby is here and the anticipation is over... Anyone been there?




  1. my first son, we kind of got further apart, and it SUCKED, i hated it... but do not sit around getting upset over it or acting crazy because he will notice that and move away from you even more... so just act regular, if he doesn't want to do things with you just say ok and go out with a friend, he will get over it... don't ask him alot of questions...

    when it was my 2nd child we got very close...he was always there for me, we started talking more and I felt closer to him and could trust him

  2. Yes.  He is now feeling the responsibility that he perceives as slightly overwhelming at this point.  As time goes on and he holds the baby for the first time, he will come around.  

  3. sometimes it does bring a couple closer.. but usually it makes an already strong marriage stronger and brings the couple closer together..

    if this is your guys' first baby then your hubby can just b nervous about the upcoming birth of your baby...

    to ease your worries you can sit down and talk to him and see if somethings wrong or bothering him..

  4. Sorry to sound like a "downer" but NOTHING puts more stress on a relationship than a baby.


  5. No, he actually grew more distant with me because he thought I was putting the baby before him and he was kinda jealous.  Almost 5 years later, he has decided that he wants a divorce because I put my child before him.  Not saying that it will happen to you...but I think having a child is one of the most stressful things that a marriage can go through.  You have to be very good at the balancing act between hubbie and baby...

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