
Did he for sure get autism from the vaccine?

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Our neighbors son is 6 and he has autism. He is non-verbal and bangs his head a lot and runs around all day. They say that he was completely normal before and was starting to talk and then he got his chicken pox vaccine and had convulsions 15 minutes after and was never the same. They claim that he was given the last dose of a 3 vile shot that was never shaken for the first two kids so by the time their son got it there was too much mercury in it. If that is true then doesn't that prove that is the cause of Autism? I just don't understand because there are more boys with it and how do they know that the vile wasn't shaken like it was supposed to. Do they still do the 3 vile shot things or whatever it is that they were talking about? It is so scarey. We have a 2 year old and he has had all of his shots up to date and is fine and we have another little boy on the way and I'm scared now for him to get his vaccines but I know he needs them.

Does anyone have anything to share on this at all? Plus I thought it was the MMR shot that had the mercury in it the chicken pox vaccine too? What can I do to protect our baby from having something like this happen?




  1. I bet if your neighbor watched closely her son had symptoms or autism prior to his shots. And now with all the drama of vaccines causing it she has en excuse. I am sure it is hard to watch that happen to your child, and to have somewhere to actually place the blame feels good to her. I was pretty sure they took mercury out of almost all vaccines and they have mercury free shots. I personally will not get my kids vaccinated for chicken pox, as I don't see the need to it's not a big deal. But I will without hesitation be getting all of their other vaccinations, my daughter has already had a lot of them. I would rather my child have autism, if there happens to be some crazy unproven even though millions of people have tried link between the two, then not have a child at all because I chose to not vacinate.

  2. I am a parent of two children and I live in the UK.  They don't have a chicken pox vaccine here as it's not seen as a serious disease.  My two got chicken pox last year and it was no big deal, just a mild fever to start with and some scratchy spots that you can easily treat with lotion from the pharmacy.

    I'm not saying do not vaccinate your little boy, just bear in mind that in alot of developed countries they don't even offer it in the first place to children.

    There's alot about the MMR shot and its connection to autism on the internet.  In the UK the MMR is routinely offered and most parents do let their children have it.  After months of research I have chosen not to give the MMR vaccine to my two children.  I believe that children should build up natural immunity to diseases by contracting them.

    It's a very personal choice about what is the right thing to do for you and your child.  There is so much out there that tells you why it is important to vaccinate but also why it is a bad idea.  It's important that you read both sides of the debate before making up your mind.

  3. I have a 6 year old and a 4 year old son. They got all their vaccine shots and they are healthy boys. I really don't think those vaccines would cause those to have autism. If vaccine is reason why getting autism. Then every kid in this world would be having autism. I am pregnant with my third child has well. I am not that much concerned. But I might have them do half them one visit and do other half the other visit which I think my doctor office is doing now. I might do study them more before this is born. But i really think the vaccine isn't the cause of it

  4. If your neighbor's story was 100% accurate they wouldn't be your neighbors. They would have sued the clinic for medical malpractice and won. Some experts have said there is a link between Autism and vaccines. Some experts argue otherwise. Some experts have said Rhogam may be linked to Autism. We just don't know for sure what causes it. It is safer to vaccinate than to not. There is no disease that is vaccinated against that is safer than the vaccine itself. I would suggest doing some research on the specific vaccines your child needs. There may be different alternatives then doses containing mercury.  

  5. Read "The Vaccine Book" by Rober W. Sears.  It is an awesome book (my personal vaccine bible!) that goes through each of the vaccines, what they are for, how they are made, what the ingredients are, and lots of other information!  There is even an alternative vaccine schedule.  If you have questions you totally need to read this book.  I had lots of questions and this has really helped me to decide what vaccines to get and what to skip or get when he is older.

    According to the book there is no mercury in the chickenpox vaccine, but there are lots of other weird ingredients.  Every person will react to the shot differently though...

  6. No, he didn't. He likely had a predisposition to autism and something in the shot or normal growth aggravated it. There is NO DIRECT CORRELATION between vaccines and autism!

  7. I have a few theories.  They are mostly related to articals I have read but my ADD makes it hrd to remember exact facts.

    I've done a lot of reading because I want to understand why my son has ADHD and why I have ADD and want to find non medicinal ways to treat it.  It is often compared with autism in that there are some behavioural similarities depending on the individual and how it can appear and what things can affect it.

    You have probably heard of diets for autism.  Many say it is necessary as so many autistic children have allergies to wheat and other stuff.  Others claim that it can cure autism!  Many children with ADHD and autism and AS are very sensitive to addatives and certyain E numbers.

    My conclusion at the moment based on all that I have read is that people/children with autism/aspergers and ADHD are born (I believe it is most likely genetic) with digestive issues(I can't say what specifically, I'm not nscientific at all) and when exposed to high levels of certain chemicals, natural in foods, artificial or medicinal (in innoculations for example), their bodies cannot deal with it well and it affects their brains.  I think the chemicals have an accumulative affect aand or can recieve a large amount all at once and have an immedeate aaffect.  I think some effects can be prmanent and some can just be a hit (like a hyper session/or a vacant period) or last until the chemical is removed from the diet.

    I believe the diet thing is a tricky issue as there really is no cure!  I do bbelive though that diet can improve symptoms.

    I might recieve thumbs down for this post, I'm not sure what other people feel.

    I do know that when my very hyper, impulsive and distractable (but lovely and clever too) boy had recovered from a bad bout of tonsillitus in which he didn't eat for about 4/5 days he then had a whole week of being able to concentrate and was actually sat reading books every evening!

    My boy was also very quick to learn and I could hold quite complex conversations with him when he was two and trust him not to run out on the road and stuff.  The he did begin to change and got more and more 'wired' is the only word I can think to describe it.

    All I can suggest is what I know which may or may not be true and may or may not give you comfort.

    Does he have any noticable stomache issues (extreme constipation that required medical assistance and causes loose stools to pass over the compacted ones)?

    Have you allready noticed him behave any different if you give him flavoured crispd, artificial sweetners or sweets coloured with artificial colours?

    Is there any parental history of autism/AS (aspergers?)

    If he was mine I would inocculate every time!  I do not regret haveing my son innoculated.  The thought of the results  and risks of what he could catch wothout the MMR are far scarier.

    enjoy your boys xx


    My son didn't have chicken pox vaccination It is not offered here and didn't know there was suh a thing.  All kids here just get chicken pox and it doesn't even bother them.  (appart from one poor child I was helping put on a sparkly disco out fit he had made with his mum and hadn't stopped talking about all week, then I noticed the chicken pox and had to go straight home so he didn't spread it!!, bless him!)

  8. "Thimerosal has been removed from or reduced to trace amounts in all vaccines"

    That was a comment made by the FDA.

    When the "trace" amounts were measured,  the amount that is in the vaccines still  would deam your city water unsafe to drink if it had that amount in it.

    That is not my opinion that is fact. I am not going to blame every autism case on vaccines but I will not disagree with a parent who saw their child change after getting vaccinated. A parent knows their child and knows when something changes.

  9. There is no conclusive proof that vaccines are a cause of Autism.  I've heard that and that even the high intellect of the father can be at fault!  The truth is that no one really knows yet.  Even diagnosis can be tricky.  Some people just feel better saying Autistic than Mentally Retarded, which is actually the case in some children labeled autistic.

    Autistic children typically seem to develop on or ahead of schedule, often speaking prior to the onset of the autism.  This was the case with my nephew.  At two he lost all communication skills.  A typical sign is the child may orient to tasks very early (block building, for example) but avoids or does not make direct eye contact w/people.  

    Early intervention is best.  Acceptance, programs and support are more important than placing blame.  

    My heart goes out to your neighbors, but vaccines may not be the culprit.  Vaccinate your child.  

  10. Personally Its been proved NOT to the cause of autism, My twin son Thomas is 10 also non verbal and still in nappies and i am fed up with hearing about the jab being the cause of Autism and yes if you do not agree that's fine, but everyone says its the MMR fault because autism presents itself when this jab is given, Thomas was always different as a baby didn't feel pain as his twin sister did hated being held and cuddled, and fine if you want to risk your child health by not giving them the jab then that's totally up to you its PROVED measles kills autism does NOT, I also agree that autism is in a child's genes and my twins have been in research for this reason, if you have mental health problems in your families then more than likely Autism will be the result, looking back in my family most of them had triads of Autism like not very sociable did things a certain way, lined things up and when it comes to people with autism like my son they get these traits all at once hence autism, i do not blame anything for Autism its just genes if it was the MMR causing autism think of it this way EVERY CHILD would have autism including Thomas's twin sister Kylie

  11. I am a mother of 2 as well as a Psychology student. My son is 4 and my daughter is 2 and both are where they are supposed to be for their vaccines and they are completely well with my classes, we are taught from the Psychology point that it is a predisposition, not the I don't now what to think???????

  12. My son was the same way -- completely normal before having some of his 2-3 year old vaccines. We were never able to pinpoint what shot it was.  I don't know that doctor's offices keep records of which vial of vaccine was used so that seems fishy to me. Thank God our son only has high functioning autism, though that is enough of a struggle. He was not diagnosed until age 7 so we had no recourse really even when I found out about the vaccine connection sometime later.

    I did hold off on a lot of my younger son's vaccinations until he was four as autism generally develops by age 3. I figured he had a genetic predisposition and we should be careful. I ponied up the money for a babysitter to come to our home when I worked and he was a baby, then gave up and stayed home or worked part time where he did not need to go to a regular daycare. I did want him to go to pre-k since he is the youngest child by seven years and a bit spoiled by all of us. :-P

    So we caught up on our vaccinations. The school was pissed. I don't understand why religion is a proper excuse for foregoing vaccinations but possible genetic predisposition to autism is not.

    I still stand by my decision and felt much less anxious as Bryan was getting his vaccinations at four than I would have if he was getting them as an infant. He did get the first ones they give at the hospital up to his polio vaccine at age 1 as polio and TB are coming back, whether due to immigration or whatever.

    Anyway, I am totally convinced there is a vaccination connection with autism that the medical community is trying to cover up.

  13. From everything I've read, vaccines are not the cause of autism. However, for some children with a rare mitochondrial disorder, vaccines may sometimes cause them to have autistic-like symptoms. It seems to me that there really is a genetic predisposition. It would appear that the more noticeable symptoms start to show up around the same age that they are getting their shots, so it looks like a causal effect when it may just be coincidence.

  14. i have watched this closeley. there hasn;t been anything yet that has "proven" without a doubt that vaccines cause autism. they  just say it might be linked.

    on cnn news a couple weeks ago or so, they also said autism was "linked" to too much television watching in children.

    this is the way i see it: i get my childrens vaccines because the benefit outweighs the risk. i would rather take my chance of my child getting autism from the vaccine, which is a 1 in a million chance, than for me to send my child to school and walk away with about 3 million types of bacteria, viruses and diseases. my children are in contact with tons of other people & kids daily.

    another way: if your child, god forbid, does contract something, the docs can rule out disease that comes from being not vaccinated.

    i don't put down parents that choose to decline, they do what they feel is right for their family, and that is what counts.

    my nephew was diagnosed with autism at the age of 3- then a hearing problem, then a speech problem, the list goes on. after a million docs, he has a small hearing problem, not autism.

    i think they diagnose and use the term autism too loosely. some children are different, and a doctors job is not to embrace the difference, but to only diagnose it.- just do what you think is right.

    by the way i agree with kitkat about the neighbor. i bet she embellishes alot of stories. there is no way in h**l, she could find out about the vial. no nurse can remember every single shot they have given. she sounds dramatic, and for your sake, i would blow her off when she says something dramatic.

    i should have mentioned this: many doctors have said that it is almost better for your child to contract the chickenpox than to prevent them from having it. when you are a child, you bounce back remarkablly well. chicken pox as an adult, can actually kill someone, my dad for starters. he didn't die but he was very, very sick. you child can also get the chicken pox from the vaccine, it says it in your shot packet. it isn't as severe though, but it can also come back worse later. i never got the chicken pox vaccine. my niece & nephew had the pox and i took my kids to play and got it over with. that is actually what my doctor suggested. they might be sick for a couple days, but i would rather that than for them to be deathly ill when they were older.

  15. 1 in 150 children in the U.S is diagnosed with autism since the 90's.

    Is it Environmental? Or is it our genes?

    It could possibly be that some children's immune systems are not as strong

    As others.

    So what happens to those who are born with weak immune systems and

    The doctors nor the parents know? Well nowadays they our born

    and hospitals give the child a shot of Hepatitis B the second's day

    of the childs life... Can you imagine what that is doing to their systems??

    Sure you can say "hey I've given my children all their vaccines as directed by the doctor and they're just fine", but what happens to the children whose body cannot take being shot up with virus'? What happens to the 1 child who has weak immunities?

    To top it all off pharmaceuticals have developed a preserved called thimerosal which is another word for MERCURY.

    If the pharmaceuticals are trying to keep everyone healthy by selling vaccines for children, WHY  would they put heavy metals in them?????? Is that their sick way of "population control"??? *The strong ones live*

    Doctors put it into everyones head VACCINES ARE GOOD AND SAFE YOUR BABY.

    Supposedly doctors are not supposed to give the shots with thimerasol to children under 3.

    Tell me why my little brother got all his shots (not at once) and he just had some lab work done and hes poisoned with MERCURY 4 times the amount anyone should have in their system! He is diagnosed with Slight autism adhd and severely language delayed + MORE

    It is said even if the vaccines are "" Preservitive free" They still contain mercury.

    Dont get me wrong, Im not all against vaccines im against doctors and pharmaceuticals stressing parents to give their childs loads of vaccines at birth  +.

    My son has had Hep B vaccine twice and thats because i didnt know any better, I want to  slap myself a few times for being stupid and under the influence of  "doing what the doctor advises". I Thank God my son is strong. I pray for those children who are forced to be shot up with poisons as infants. I pray God will give them the strength they need.

    Theres also plenty of cases of children around 1 to 2+ that get a shot wether it be varicella (chicken pox) MMR or flu and they all of a sudden stop saying the words they would normally say and stop babbling.

    I've met someone who just recently given their child the vaccines at 6 and that child is now being diagnoised with autism.

    Oh and "amyhpete"

    I meant to give you a thumbs up but accidently did the opposite so ONE of those thumbs downs is supposed to be a thumbs UP sorry about that!! Good answer btw!

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