
Did he hurt my baby???

by  |  earlier

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i have had alot of unprotected s*x

with my 18 year old boyfriend.

he used to do hard drugs..

like meth.coke.crack.acid.

and alcoholism runs in his

family. im sure it sounds

crazy. but he quit all this

stuff. hes been sober for

almost 2 months.

im worried that if he got me

pregnant.. or if he gets me

pregnant these drugs are

still going to affect our baby.

is that possible??

even though he quit?

im losing my mind worrying about

this stuff.




  1. Drugs can indeed damage his sperm, so be sure to use protection.

    More important, he's been clean for all of 2 months after using a wide range of VERY hard drugs.  While I applaud him for cleaning up his act, I would wait and be sure that he STAYS clean -- for like 2-3 years, before even considering having kids with him. (And since drug use often goes along with risky s*x ... you should be using condoms anyway, until he has an HIV test and comes up negative. Do you know where his p***s has been?)

  2. As long as he stays sober you should be fine.  But i am just wondering.  If you knew the possibility of pregnancy when having unprotected s*x.  And despite that you still slept with him.  Why are you worried now and was not worried before?  Just wondering!

  3. Use protection!

  4. WOW. And I had to get a license to get a dog  ...........................................  get your self tested.

  5. yeah it probably hurt it

  6. you know, why take the chance of getting pregnant with him then? make sure you use protection every time! and wait further along down the raod to make sure all of that is out of his system.

  7. well if you are already pregnant it could hurt the baby if the drugs arent outta his system....if you are pregnant and are worried about it....then you should be fine but make sure he stays sober if you can really hurt the baby, good mother instincts....

  8. Why did you have unprotected s*x with him in the first place? That's a no-no ... whether he was a junkie or not... unless you wanted to plan on having a baby.

    Hope to God (or whomever else you believe in) that you're not preggers cause there is a chance that the baby can be affected by his lifestyle. Being clean for 2 months is not enough to put your hopes up! Sorry.
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