
Did her water break?

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My wife was sitting on the floor cleaning out the bathroom sink and when she stood up, she felt some wetness. Her pants had wet stains on the butt and thigh, and she felt with her hand and it was dripping from her hand. THHHEEENN... about 10 min later she had a cramp. She's 30 weeks and 4 days, could this be water breaking? What would happen next if it was? Could it be Sweat, and she not know it was Sweat? Thanks




  1. Call your obgyn asap. Also, ask her if she remembers any mucosy discharge with reddish tinge or look for it. That is the mucous plug and indicates labor is eminent.

  2. If she is only 30 weeks and 4 days I would suggest you get her to a hospital ASAP. If her waters broke this early, its not good.. Get your butt to a hospital. It could have been sweat BUT i doubt it, better safe then sorry. Get going!

  3. The way to tell if it is her water leaking is have her put on a pad and wear it for about an hour.  Have her sit down, stand up, lay down, stand up, for the hour.  Then ahve her take of the pad.  If it is wet then have her smell it.  If it smells like urine then it's urine.  If it has a sweet smell then chances are it's her water and she should go in immediately.  If the pad isn't wet then it could be sweat.  

    If you plan on rushing to the hospital at this point DO NOT GO TO THE ER. They will waste your time and you will not be seen right away.  GO TO labor and delivery.   But first call that way they can have a room and the tests ready for you.  Call the doctor and see if s/he wants you to go in.  

    Also someone mentioned about a mucous plug.  If she has or hasn't lost her mucous plug it has nothing to do with labor being near or not.  Women lose their mucous plugs early and some lose it right before they start pushing the baby out.  Some women dont even know if they lost it or not.  So dont use that as an indication of anything.

  4. when water breaks, generally you know for sure. its alot of liquid and a little bit of blood. it may have been just discharge, as that happens all throughout pregnancy. i would still call her doctor just to be safe.

  5. Sounds like her water is probably leaking. Really important that you get her to the hospital. And it could also be a whole lot of increased in Discharge that made her felt that way. I doubt that it was sweat though. Goodluck

  6. this could have waters with both of my children didnt go with a gush they trickled...get her to put a towel on and to cheak it in an hour if its wet her waters have gone......if it was her waters she can contact the midwife in the morning and ask her  and she can tell her if it deffinatly was her waters and send her to the hospital......thats if your wife doesnt go into labour to night

    good luck x

  7. If u think she is.. then u should take her in. I had my lil girl a month early it felt real hot when the water came out u cant even feel it.. So no second thought dude.. just take her...  

  8. PLEASE GO TO THE HOSPITAL JUST IN CASE!!!  I have a friend whose water broke slowly like this and didn't know it and the outcome was not good.

  9. maybe she peed herself and didnt realize it?  she should change clothes and see if she is leaking ,  if she is then go to the emergency room!

    look at mine andtell me what you think:;...

  10. I think you should take her to the emergency room just in case! If it was dripping it might have been her water bag tearing.  Some times after the water breaks it takes about 6-7 hours to have strong pain...but why wait...just take her.

  11. Ok so let me get this straight... you think your wife's water broke so instead of calling your doctor you decided to get on the internet and ask complete strangers??? What's wrong with you?? Get her to the hospital NOW! Better safe than sorry!!! man, if you have time to get on here and ask questions I'm going to say that your wife is either in some serious pain giving birth behind you or she left you!

  12. Instead of wasteing time asking the question and waiting for answers.

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