
Did hitler comite suicide or is it just a rumour?

by Guest45048  |  earlier

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as it has been said he has and i do not know whether this is true or not and would really appreciate the help




  1. it is true and the evidance was held in russian hands until quite recently, when it was given to western foresnic investigators to prove the truth, the remains have been proved to be his, and there was a gunshot wound in the skull.

  2. Adolf Hitler the Fuhrer of Deutschland commited suicide.

    In his bunker at the end days of WWII hitler heard that Heinrik Himmler had betrayed Adolf Hitler and resigned from his position as minister of death and tried to make a deal wth the National Jewish Defence League. then when that didnt work he make a unconditional surrender to all countrys adolf hitler got word of this while SS officers were pissed at Himmler they fought on. Adolf Hitler Eva Braun and Geobbels [srry for spelling] were distrought and they all took Cyanide Capsules and they all died but Adolf hitlers cyanide did not work at the speed of Eva's so he took from his holster a Mauser German made Luger and shot himself in the head.

    Evntually the only one of the Mater Races member who did kill themself was Heinrik Himmler he tried to escape and almost did  he put on and infranty mans uniform and a eye patch and got really far and no one knew who he was and then he got caught and slipped himself a cyanide pill and killed himself in prision.

  3. Read wikipedia is the link..

  4. Yes he almost certainly did.His skull (or a piece of it)is kept in an archive in Russia.The skull clearly shows a gunshot wound to the head.I have read a book by a young soldier who was in the bunker when this happened, and he states that Hitler and Eva Braun were found slumped on chairs in a living area in the bunker.Eva Braun died from cyanide poisoning, Hitler from a gunshot wound to the head.Blondi, Hitlers dog was also poisoned.Hours after Hitlers suicide, Geobbels who was names as his successor killed himself and his wife with cyanide.Hours earlier their 6 children suffered the same fate.

    hope that helps:)

  5. I believe he did commit siucide when his dog was dying.

  6. It is unclear, but the evidence seems to point to his dying from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

  7. Okay, so, the most accurate answer is that he ate a (hydrogen) cyanaide capsule, and was scared about dying by poison after he'd eaten it (hydrogen cyanaide can kill you in under a minute if you eat it) and shot himself in the head. Historians are almost positive he shot himself in the head because his teeth records match the believed-to-be-remains of his shot skull.

    Before his death, he consulted to take poison (hydrogen cyanaide) for his death, because he didn't want to be alive while the Russians were moving into n**i Germany. Minister of propaganda, Joseph Göbbels introduced him to cyanaide capsules (I believe) and Hitler was unsure if Göbbels was just trying to give him sleeping pills so he could hand him to the Russians in Greenland (or somewhere like that, I'm sure) and Hitler gave the pills to his dog Blondie so see if he was lying or not, and his dog died from the poison, so that's why they think he took the poison before he shot himself in the head...

    Anyways, that's that story, but the real rumor is the one Stalin made after Hitler's death, saying he'd escaped to Argentina, which Stalin later addmited to a bluff.

    So, no, it's not a rumor that he commited suicide, because he DID, but after his death people (can't remember who, sorry) blasted his remains, so it's REALLY hard to tell the ending of Adolf Hitler.

    Hope this helps you!!

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