
Did homo erectus interbreed with homo sapiens sapiens?

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Did homo erectus interbreed with homo sapiens sapiens?




  1. You know, if there were any interbreedings, that would definately explain the different bone-structure distinctions in the human race, today.

    I daresay the romantic notion of genetically different human beings capable of odd sensory perceptions, etc., may be food for thought regarding this possibility.

    *sigh* I'd like to think there was a mixing of the breeds (what a cold word). Evolution would even suggest it.

  2. That is a question that has not yet been conclusively answered by anthropologists. I haven't seen any study that indicates that there was widespread interbreeding. Most of them either show that there was rare interbreeding or possibly none at all.

  3. It's my understanding that homo erectus was long extinct by the time homo sapiens (with or without the second sapiens) appeared on the scene.  Homo sapiens may have evolved from homo erectus, but so far there's no definite proof.

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