
Did honda make a car to trun on water?

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Sorry 3 part question if so does it really produce water vapor instead of c02? and how can i get one? how much you think it would be? i have an accent from Hyundai which gets 36 mtg and can run on ether(sp), by the way how can i switch to that instead of using gas?




  1. Rivergirl, do your research. Hydrogen can be produced from any substance bearing hydrogen molecules. The most plentiful and the most used substance to obtain pure hydrogen is water.

    To produce Hydrogen from water, boil it until vaporizes, or run an electric current through it in a hydrogen separator. Oxygen will come out the negatively charged end of the separator, Hydrogen comes out the Positive end. Use a compressor to pump it into a carbon composite storage tank in your car.

    You can make it anyplace where water and electricity are available. Your driveway at home, or at the corner gas station as is currently being done in a few places around California where experimental Cal. State Owned Hydrogen Powered cars are being used..

    Current cost to use water and electricity to obtain enough hydrogen for power equivalent to a gallon of gasoline is about 50 cents.

    The only reason the foreign auto makers haven't been able to sell their Hydrogen powered cars is because until last year, the US EPA has refused to set standards for Hydrogen cars. Some claim this is to give American auto makers a chance to catch up, but the climbing oil prices put too much pressure on them to delay longer.

  2. any internal combustion engine will run on hydrogen gas extracted from water & the exaust is water. the hydrogen used as fuel combines with oxygen from the air when it burns inside the engine resulting in H2O(water)

    this is nothing new, Henry Ford ran a model A on hydrogen 80 years ago!

    there is no way to generate the hydrogen economicly though, either with a catalytic processor in the vehicle or electricly from water at a power plant, both processes are prohibitivly expensive compared to using gasoline or diesel fuel.

  3. Yeah, FCX clarity. saw the commercials for it. Still can't hardly believe it. But then it's not being sold, persay.

    there'll be a handful of them available for temporary lease in california only. Then we'll probably never see them again until every last drop of oil is used up

  4. the water ideally must be VERY pure

  5. You can't just run a car on hydrogen. Hydrogen burns faster and hotter. Mythbusters tried to run a gasoline car on hydrogen and they blew up the engine.

  6. cars can;t run on water.  there are cars that run on hydrogen and produce water vapor, but that is different.

  7. The problem with using hydrogen as a fuel is that you need to get the hydrogen from somewhere.   The hydrogen that you purchase (if/where/when you can find it) will almost certainly have been made from petroleum-based fuels.   All you're doing is producing the CO2 somewhere else.  

    This is the same problem with electric cars.  As long as coal or natural gas are used to produce the electricity,  you're really just shifting the pollution from the tail pipe to somewhere else.

    I realize that there are arguments for consolidating emissions in one place - cheaper pollution control devices, better ability to regulate emissions, opportunities to inflict pollutants only on the very poor and disenfranchised, that sort of thing.  

    Still, it's not a complete solution.

  8. check this video out:

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