
Did human came from Venus?

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I recently watch a youtube video or more of an audio.... i forgot who it was but he say that there was a cover up for Venus... Venus actually have a race living there and it's not a ball of gas....... i think we came from crash landed to earth and lost our intelligence because if we were to evolve from APE then ape would have evolve like 50 years ago.... or we are created by the race from Venus or the race of Venus is trying to test the survivor and solve a problem...... ah so many possibilities....




  1. One of the latest theories, on the beginnings of life on earth is life originated on Venus. Microbes may exist in the atmosphere of Venus and have hitched a ride to Earth on the Solar Wind. Search yahoo's science section. So if this true, then we (all living things on earth) are Venusians  

  2. in this book i read it said the same thing, i think we call them WOMEN not sure though

  3. The atmospheric pressure of Venus is too strong to support life.  The temperature on Venus is even less suitable for life.  Unbreathable toxins in the air also make life there impossible.  And all of these factors have been present on Venus long before humans existed on earth.

    Even if life were possible there, it's retrograde rotation would make the transformation to an earth-like planet, with a sunrise every 24 hours, as opposed to less than one per year, a nightmare for anything that evolved to adapt to it.

    Mars is truly the only planet in our solar system that could have had life at any point in time, and even the probabilities of that appear to be small.

  4. *laughing*

    No. Have you been drinking?

  5. You're absolutely right.  I looked it up on wikipedia.  Human come from Venus...  or Uranus.

  6. No, that is complete and utter nonsense.  

    1.  The biological connection of humans to apes is certain.  

    2.  Venus is a solid planet like the Earth and about the same size.  It has a thick, hot dense atmosphere.  This has been known since the 1960s or earlier and the Russians were the first to land a probe on the surface in that decade.

    3.  The internet has the best and worst form of information.  Anyone can make a video clip and post it on YouTube and they can lie their heads off.  So long as they do not actually defame anyone or infringe copyright it stays there.  

    4.  My translation of this clip goes something like this.  Yadda -Yadda blah lie blah drivel lie snork lie drool.

  7. Sounds like this video was made by someone who has no knowledge of science; biology, astronomy, or otherwise.

    First of all, everyone knows Venus is not a 'ball of gas'.  It's a rocky planet almost identical to earth in size and mass.

    The surface temperature on Venus is around 900 degrees Fahrenheit.  It's hot enough to melt lead.  There is volcanic activity everywhere, and the atmosphere is full of sulfuric acid.  It's seriously doubtful that anything could live there, IF something lives there it MUST be microorganisms and nothing human-sized and certainly nothing intelligent.  Even IF an intelligent organism did live there, it would have evolved to live in 900 degrees under a sky full of sulfuric acid.  Earths environment would be lethal to it.

    There is a staggering amount of evidence for human evolution from other apes, and our relationship to all other life on earth.  The ONLY possible scenario is that, if humans came from Venus, then ALL life came from Venus, because the one thing that is completely sure is that we all came from the same place.

    "if we were to evolve from APE then ape would have evolve like 50 years ago"

    This doesn't even make any sense.  It sounds like the old 'if we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?' argument, which is so flawed and lame it really doesn't even deserve to be discussed.

  8. I don't think so, since Venus' atmosphere is made up of 96% of Carbon Dioxide. No human can survive that. If we can't even stand the heat on Earth, what more compare to venus.

  9.   Only aliens come from Venus.

  10. a good question however most likely to be untrue..

    there has been theories that maybe all earth life forms ie dna and bacteria may have arrived on a meteor from outer space...

    and that created thelife within the oceans of earth..

  11. Venus isn't a ball of gas, it's a terrestrial (rocky) planet a little larger than ours, with an extremely dense atmosphere and extremely swift-moving clouds. It was proven in the sixties that the greenhouse effect from the predominantly carbon dioxide atmosphere produced temperatures hot enough to melt tin and lead. It has a pressure ninety times that of Earth at sea level - the first few Venera probes the Soviets sent in crumpled like tin cans while still in the atmosphere. The clouds are made largely of sulphuric acid. Life on Venus? Not even remotely likely.

    And... *sigh* We didn't evolve from apes. Humans, apes and monkeys all evolved from a common ancestor about three million years ago.

  12. The atmosphere of Venus is predominately methane,with temperatures

    swings as much as 200*c ,it is not likely to support any life as we know it.

  13. I think you've lost your intelligence. That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

  14. Venus is not a ball of gas: it is a terrestrial planet not unlike the Earth. Because of its dense atmosphere, it has an extreme greenhouse effect, resulting in a surface temperature of 400°C, hot enough to melt lead. It is an extremely inhospitable for any form of life.

  15. Really? And how do you suppose our DNA got to be so similar to that of the (other) Apes? Coincidence?

    We evolved on the same planet as all other life forms on this planet, including plants and bacteria etc. Either we all originated on Venus, or none of us. I would suggest that it was none of us.


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