
Did humans always hid their private parts?

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Did humans always hid their private parts?




  1. No.

    Clothing was probably invented by some d**k with a small willie.

  2. Early humans had much more hair "hiding" their genitals.  But, one of the reasons human species survived was because they learned to cover and protect their bodies in little mobile "shelters" called clothes, animal skins at first, then shield-like garments woven from grasses then cloth spun from grasses and animal hair. Early humans probably did not feel the cultural inhibition related to nudity that modern humans do.  When they covered themselves, they did so for protection and ease of movement.

  3. NO.

  4. Interesting question...  So if you look at the genitals of our closest relatives, chimps and gorillas, you can get some good insight.  For example, female chimps and gorillas obviously advertise their genitals.  They're exposed visually to other members of the group, and in fact they use their genitals to signal sexual availability (swelling of estrus, for example).  In contrast, the genital region of males is largely hidden by the posture of the animal.  Sure... the scrotal sac is visible, but largely covered by hair (as mentioned above).

    Now consider the effect of the evolution of upright posture (bipedalism)...  Suddenly there's this shift in visualization of genitals.  Female genitalia became obscured, while male genitalia became up front and center, so to speak.

    So it's interesting to note that after this time, human females became subject to sexual selection pressures that affected the mammary glands (i.e., b*****s evolved), while the advertising of fertility at the genitals largely went away.  Note that this is an over-simplification...  Anyway, what else happened?  At some point in our history, males became affected by sexual selection pressures that affected p***s size.  We don't see them in zoos often, but gorilla and chimp penes are quite small bycomparison to those of humans.  After all... they don't *need* to be large to get the job of introducing sperm to the female reproductive tract done.

    So I realize that you were probably asking about clothing, but I thought it was important to note that the exposure of genitals among humans is unique in a way due to the evolution of our body posture.  I hope it's of at least a little interest!   Good luck!

  5. Willie gets cold in the winter. Rose bushes are a killer.

    Use a fig leaf.

  6. In the Bible, Adam and Eve were not ashamed to be naked ONLY as long as they didn't think about it.  The moment they knew that they were naked, they became ashamed and started looking for ways to cover up.

    The nudity taboo was well-established among the Hebrews by the time of Shem and Japheth. When their father fell asleep naked because he'd been drunk, his sons BACKED into his tent and walked BACKWARDS to their sleeping father and covered his body without looking at it, so that they would not see his nakedness.

    The first three books of the Bible are filled with verses linking nakedness to shame, forbidding the exposing of the genitals, except when the intent is to make an enemy the target of mockery.

    But, setting the Bible aside, humans (and their ancestral hominid species) weren't usually ashamed of being naked. They dealt with it as the animals do: without thinking about it much.  The nudity phobia, the taboos, and the consequent tantalization of seeking the hidden and wanting the forbidden which forms perverted minds, might originate with the Hebrews. They did seem to be among the first to make a loud fuss about it.

  7. impossible to tell. the earliest paintings depicting humans show them wearing breach cloths. only a handful of tribes in remote locations such as new guinea and brazil do not cover themselves.

  8. No, and many don't today. Doesn't make much sense if you look at it logically.

    During Biblical times, there was no prohibition of nudity, if you study the verses there's nothing against being naked.

    Or, if people did cover up their genitals, it was for protection. Of course this is only true in warmer climates, if you were an Inuit you covered everything up or you'd freeze.

    Eventually we got this whole set of societal rules, and if you look at it they really are societal. Little kids have to be taught to wear clothes, it's not an instinct.

  9. No....only when they realised they were naked !

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