
Did humans as a species cause imbalance in the world?

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For a very long time, every creature on the planet followed the unspoken law of nature which basically states that no one creature shall take the world as it's own. This is seen through the facts that in nature no animals exterminate their competition, no animals deny their competitors to food in general (you can't have what I'm eating, but you may eat) and no other species wipe out the food sources of their competition to make space for their own.

Humans have been breaking these laws of nature for something like 10,000 years when civilization first appeared. Since then, many species have been dwindling due to our direct breaking of these natural laws, and the natural world is getting pretty messed up.

So as humans, is it our fault that this has happened? Have we been removed so far from the natural world so as to not only have become not of it, but an active enemy warring with the world? Should we find a way to actively fix it? Also, has our culture as a whole blinded us to the fact of this, since we're constantly being told that we are the end result, what the world was meant to make, and what was made to inherit the world?





  1. Yes.

    People are selfish.  Just look how wasteful and damaging we are to the environment.  A really good example is how some people just pop out wayyyy too many babies.  That I feel is the most selfish act of all.

  2. We are like a virus on the planet, consuming all for our own selfish ends


  3. knobby knobville said it all.

    the earth is getting pretty pissed off too. Soon she will release a very deadly strain of some virus that is uncurable and we will all die... [and if that doesn't work she has a backup plan, global warming will do us in]

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